O cock! Attend!
What does girlfriend’s “box” contend?
I shagged her arse,
And now awake at Sodom’s end:
The cunt is deep,
Deeper than cock can comprehend.
Deep is its womb,
Joy — deeper than birth’s agony:
Womb says: Baby! Baby!
But all cock wants eternity,
To shag for long, long, long eternity.
This parody of Nietzsche is my attempt to cast off my recent infactuation with sodomy, which certain of you will have picked up on. It’s important for me, at a spiritual level, to come to Sodom’s End, ideally sooner rather than later.
A bit of both of those things. Another one I’ve thought of is a “hurrying up” aspect. Rather than giving her sex now and birth pain later, we give her the pain now exclusively.
Plus there’s the strange notion of inserting the member into both ends of the digestive tube!