Club29 says that he’s spoken with “God” before, so I now want to make a thread about that subject.
If the energy of a spirit has passed through your body, there will be quantum-entanglement as a result, which can be used [at any time, with due skill] to make a psychic-link: remote influencing
For this reason, whatever you “spoke with” can be accessed again.
Developing clear telepathy is never easy, but you could try for it, really. Spend a few hours each day in meditation, assigning your sub-conscious mind the task of developing telepathy, whilst then going into a trance-like state, “switching off” your conscious mind [mostly], so that the deeper parts of mind can flow more clearly and carry out their works.
As regards invocation, if the god form’s “divine name” can be actually used here, you could spend time repeating the name again and again, whilst focusing on the concept of resonating with the god form, becoming more like it, gleaning its psionic resonance
If there are any works, objects or images which are connected to the god form, hold these close to you also [ideally above your crown-chakra as you lay down].
The main goal here will be to gain more [gnosis]knowledge about which ever force this “God” “is”, and through the understanding of this force, the force can be imitated more deeply, interacted with more clearly, etc.
But that’s if the “God” is actually “real”.
If it’s a fantasy-god, then it will only become stronger by you believing in it more strongly… “Faith” will be its only power, as it is simply an idea.