Some advice for Club29

Club29 says that he’s spoken with “God” before, so I now want to make a thread about that subject.

If the energy of a spirit has passed through your body, there will be quantum-entanglement as a result, which can be used [at any time, with due skill] to make a psychic-link: remote influencing

For this reason, whatever you “spoke with” can be accessed again.

Developing clear telepathy is never easy, but you could try for it, really. Spend a few hours each day in meditation, assigning your sub-conscious mind the task of developing telepathy, whilst then going into a trance-like state, “switching off” your conscious mind [mostly], so that the deeper parts of mind can flow more clearly and carry out their works.

As regards invocation, if the god form’s “divine name” can be actually used here, you could spend time repeating the name again and again, whilst focusing on the concept of resonating with the god form, becoming more like it, gleaning its psionic resonance

If there are any works, objects or images which are connected to the god form, hold these close to you also [ideally above your crown-chakra as you lay down].

The main goal here will be to gain more [gnosis]knowledge about which ever force this “God” “is”, and through the understanding of this force, the force can be imitated more deeply, interacted with more clearly, etc.

But that’s if the “God” is actually “real”.

If it’s a fantasy-god, then it will only become stronger by you believing in it more strongly… “Faith” will be its only power, as it is simply an idea.

God speaks to me through events in my life, I also believe he speaks through my conscious. I believe this, and I belief I should know better than anyone since it’s myself.

Looks like we’ve found the next PoR, although Ned is a close tie.

Did you know that, biblically, “looking for omens” is a “sin”?

But at the same time, those Jews had a history of thinking that “God” talked to them in their dreams, so I suppose they can break such a law when ever they want.

Anyways, I’d like for you to develop a deeper understanding of this force. Try to figure out exactly what it is, etc. I was just offering some advice.


Looking for omens? I’m not looking… I’m seeing. I’m not searching for answers by looking at things, so yes I could see how this is a sin. However, I don’t feel this clears up what we want to get at. Can you please explain where it says this so I can read the context and find out just what it’s talking about?

Deuteronomy 18:10

Check out the verses before and after that one, also.

Many ritualist magicks [especially the ones near Isreal] had allot of blood-sacrifices and sex-magick. It got pretty nasty, and I can understand why the Jews were basically saying: “Enough is enough, that’s evil, God hates that, it’s the devil”, etc.

IMO, sacrificial-carnal magick is scum. And yes, in Isreal they did do animal sacrifices, blood sacrifices, etc. to their “God”. But atleast they did not practice human sacrifice… [though they would morally kill in God’s name, if someone broke certain holy-laws, etc].

But “magick” is such a broad term. What about psionics? Energy-working? Etc. These can be non-spiritistic, non-sacrificial, non-ritualistic, all-be-it, the atheist’s “magick”. But a person should remember that child-sacrifice [“passing through the fire”], and things like that were all listed in the same condemnation. The bible-writer realized that these magicks were hopelessly corrupt, and even if some of it was not “evil”, the whole thing was too corrupt and thus morally aborted.

those Jews had it really rough for themselves dealing with such harsh conditions of sight and burnt-out spiritual lights- Dan~.

Club29, then Sagesound in Bold.

Better put me on that list too. God speaks to me through events in my life, through my conscience, and otherwise. I, also, believe that I am in a better position to know this than anyone else.
Now that we've established who the next PoR's are, is there somewhere you were going with that observation?

If this is true then you have reached an “at-one-ment” with God. You are with God and when you are one with God then you have mastered your life. You are illumined but I doubt you are for what are you doing here exchanging insults with the other posters. When one is illumined, one can think, act, and be like Mother Teresa, for example. You don’t think about yourself anymore, you forget about yourself. You will lose the “I”. But what you are experiencing is good. Like you, I also communicate with my God. I talk to God all the time and God speaks to me. Sometimes it’s not what I’d like to hear but as Jesus’ prayer said: “THY WILL BE DONE on earth as it is in heaven.” An experience with God is personal. Others will just have to wait until they experience God. That’s one way of knowing God, through personal experience. What we believe no matter how strong our convictions are do not change the truth. For the atheists, I can only say this: Man is the subject of knowledge. What proper way to start by studying ourselves, from conception to death. Study the various parts of your body and how they work. Human anatomy and physiology. The human body is a wonderful machine, intelligently designed by the highest power I call God.

Ah, and I as well! God speaks to me constantly through my soul and the illusion of coincidence. (In reference to the soul, I believe it to be separate from the mind, but working in conjunction with it… The sould to me is a connection by which we talk to God. Are you ever more aware of your soul than when you pray earnestly?)

It might be found difficult to associate Club29, Ucciscore, or myself with PoR, however, since to the best of my knowledge, none of us could be considered racist.

Well, I do hate midgets. Coming up here, taking jobs from decent workin’ folk. :imp:

there’s lots of different ways to apply prejudice. Comparing a god fearing christian to a bigoted christian is one way. Ripping apart one religion while indemnifying all others is another way.

Do not forgette, Condenming all other religions and saying the one you believe is the only true one.

And yes You are the only one who know’s if “You” talk to God. I myself have spoken to God (Yhwh) And many other Dieties many times, and yes to see their work in the Universe or on earth as the argument portrays to, one has only to look and have the knowledge to see.

Though it is sad that most confuse this with what they “Hope” is going on rather than what really “IS”.

And here we see the limits of spiritual experience as evidence of God’s existence. Club29, I’m talking to you. Spiritual experience is legitimate, and in fact, I would say it exists as a faculty much like memory or color vision. But, it’s vague- and it seems that there’s enough people defecient in it that refering to it is anecdote at best. If you rely on the experience of God as evidence of His existence, you run the risk of sounding like the guy I quoted above, and nobody wants that.
This is where philosophy can add a little temperance to our beliefs.

Yes, I sometimes forget that sincerity can be a hindrance in any debate.

Spiritual experience is legitimate, you are correct. Nobody has felt the same presences I have, and there are many supernatural stories. In this infinite universe there are infinite possibilities, enough to consider God and Supernatural events. I don’t base my entire faith off of this however, but it is something very real in my life and millions of others. To act as if God wants nothing to do with you and claim to have a relationship with him, this is problematic.

It’s not as if I’m trying to prove God’s existence to any of you, that would be a waste of time. I’m trying to prove that the option is a respectable one, dismissed of nonsense, and worth taking a look at.

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult, and left untried.” – Chesterton

Verrry Good. If you stick by this principal, I think you have a long life ahead of you here. Don’t be surprised if it’s a difficult road, though. The above is essentially what I’ve been trying to pull off since ought-two.

Can “God” contradict “himself”?

What happens when two people’s ideas of “God” contradict eachother? [And this happens very often]

An idea ABOUT “God” is NOT “God”, it is a human estimation. [More often then people admit,] the gods are, essentially, the act of giving human ego to the universe. How arrogant…

I don’t think God does, we are using human meanings on an infinite being here Dan. From what we can see, contradictions in our eyes, may not be in Gods. I don’t believe God can make mistakes, so if you see a contradiction as a mistake as we usually do, than no.

What do you mean giving human ego to the universe? How can you say this trying to take a neutral stance? How can you call something arrogant you no so little about? Isn’t that more arrogant?

Dan, you make many assumptions based off a base that God does not exist. I don’t believe Uccisore or myself have been doing this off assuming a base of God, because we aren’t allowed to, so why should you? I’m not sure why you have such a passion for attacking me or Christianity, but maybe you can break it down more ‘directly’ on what the problem is you have against it.

—I find it rather Ironic, for the ones who claim truth is unknowable, to suggest certain things are arrogant, when in reality they are unsure about what they are talking about to make such a judgement.

I’m not calling YOU arrogant, but I have seen allot of arrogance in monistic absolutist faiths.