"some ILP posters are pot smokers"

is this proposition true? roll call!!

obviously you can tell where i stand… after all i did make this thread. :sunglasses:

No, officer, I don’t smoke that devil weed.

"My license?

Isn’t it on the bumper?

Oh…you mean my drivers license. Yeah, I got my drivers license, man…hold on.

Hey, you wanna hear something real funny?

Heh…your momma!"


I’m pretty shure my philosophy professer smokes weed.

i have seen the head of first year philosophy at leeds uni at a lee ‘scratch’ perry gig. i don’t think you’re allowed to go to them if you don’t smoke weed. he’s pretty cool.

Loise is your avatar some sort of rorshach? I see either an elephant w/ a missile strapped to its back, or a giant fist pressed into the ground…

I don’t smoke anymore…

i can’t remember what it’s called, but it was by an artist called banksy. and yes, it is an elephant with a big gun.

I used to smoke. Can’t now, I’ll go to the brig. But after I’m done with my service, I’m going to smoke again. Maybe not as much as before, but definitly for recreation! Actually I’m trying to move to Australia, anybody knows if I could find it out there?

good to hear from all of you! nanook i figured you’d be in this list, with the copious zappa references and all!

come on though, there are more of you hiding!!

I just don’t understand the point of announcing something like this.

Would it make me cool if I said yes.

Then yes, I do.


I love it, in fact. But… you’ve got to be careful about it. And going around on the net saying that you take an illegal drug isn’t really smart, IMO. I’ve had some crazy experiences where I was tracked down before, and my name is on my website.

I guess I’m just paranoid. Two guesses why.

oh, you can find it in austrailia! the laws are more relaxed there than in the US. lots of people grow it, indoors and outdoors. if you do move out there for awhile i’d recommend learning to grow and then doing it all yourself. safer, cheaper, and BETTER in the long run. if i lived anywhere but the US i’d be doing it!

Traveling the country I’ve met many people that celebrate 4:20. I’ve noticed that everywhere else in the country, the prices are much cheaper than in New York. Also people around the country buy in bulk. We get five buds for $30, while in California you get a ziploc bag full of the herbal essence for $20. WTF???

Lobster is much cheaper in Maine.

Where it’s grown or flown, it’s easier to own.

NYC is more exspensive than here or back home. Feds all over the place.

It pisses me off that these damn lawmakers don’t see the flaw in their logic and legalize marijuana. Every single smoker of the substance realizes that both drinking and ciggerettes are more dangerous than smoking some weed. Yet they continue their ban. Uggh! :imp:

Don’t think your Marine-recrutor would have thought to highly of that, Smooth. :laughing:

I’m a Marine, not a conservative.

And the first time I tested to go to the Marines I was high. In fact I was high the entire first week up until I took the oath. I got a waiver for it, hehe. Looking back I was stupid and I was abusing the drug. I smoked way too much. But now, I’m all right. I’m focused and I know exactly what I want to do and what needs to be done. More than I can say for others.

A little weed won’t kill me.

then just answer the goddamned question without adding your silly little comments.

you’re clearly asking for more internet terrorism courtesy of your new friend DarkMagus. this was a simple poll …and i’m definitely NOT worried about DEA agents reading ILP and tracking me down. just accept the fact that i’ve taken over your position as the lord and master of ILP. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


wow DarkMagus… awesome claims.

You know for a second, I thought you were Magius under a new name. But listening to your rhetoric… LOL :laughing:

hahahhahah i hope everyone can see that i’m joking around. i love a good internet-related laugh.

no, i’m totally new to this board… i think its great!!! i’m so excited to have a place to put my philosophical ramblings.



wow guy. I think I’m the only that is going to appreciate your fucked up sense of humour. Welcome to I Love Philosophy!

Don’t fuck with DarkMagus.

Like about how cool you are because you smoke pot…and how it’s made you so lazy you cannot even capitalize the letter “I” when you type? Or how elite you are because you’re currently declared as a philosophy major? Or maybe about how many hot women you have sex with and how I’m such a loser because (you assume) I don’t get any.

Pathetic. You’re just pathetic.