'Something' rather than 'Nothing'?..

The big question, why isn there something rather than nothing? Logically speaking, there can be no ‘nothing’. There can not have been a ‘time’ when there was ‘no moment’.

nothing is IMHO, the “least” of the forms of “Something”. Nothing can never be truly nothing at all. it is allways still at least something–namely, it is nothing. :wink:

But something is still a ‘moment’. Has there ever been ‘no moment’?

Even if a conscious awareness only came about once every 99zillion years, to that consciousness it would be a constant stream. To consciousness there can never be any nothingness. When you are not conscious, you “aren’t aware of nothing” and when you ARE conscious you still “aren’t aware of nothing”. (sounds like bad english but I did it on purpose) There can be no “nothing”.

There is ONLY consciousness. Nothing more. Nothing less.


the belief that there can never be nothing is just an optimistic pipe dream, the fact that most of us would rather not believe in oblivion is because the ultimate egotistic fear is that there will be a point of nothingness and this is why religion and spirituality has strived since the beginning. there has been a point when there was nothing and there will be nothing once again, there completing the circle. conscious awareness is just a collection of perceptions and the collection had start somewhere and whatever has a start will have it’s end. it’s that simple

When death is not ‘I’ am, when death IS…‘I’ am not.

Just as there was ‘nothing’ before my birth. I was completly oblivion to anything, there was no state…you could say it was timeless. But ‘I’ wasn’t there. Just as ‘I’ wont be there again next time around. So no, we cannot experiance ‘nothing’.

No. Given your logic, the fact that there can be something, is the optimistic pipe dream. In fact, it it more than optimistic – it is ridiculous, impossible. But obviously we are here, something does exist, so your logic must be flawed.

I don’t think many people actually fear being nothingness… After all, if you are not conscious what does it matter? Sound’s like a nice break to me !

Spiritually and religion are different things. Religions hijack spirituality. Spirituality is our inner knowing, our inner connection to something greater than ourselves. Through our spirituality we realise our true nature, and place in all things. It is not an invented concept ‘designed’ to give (false) hope. It just is. This isn’t something we can’t argue over (but I am sure you will) – you are either spiritually aware or you’re not.

You may say that I am in fear of being nothingness, and in denial of death. I could say that you are in fear of being, and in denial of life.

You know that do you? That there has been a point where there was nothing? Are you sure?

You know that whatever has a start will have it’s end? … Ok, What is the last number? Where does a circle end or begin?

-It’s far from being that simple.