Son needs a pee...

Son: Daddy, daddy: I need a pee and I don’t know where the toliet is…

Dad: Well, you might have to just use the Ladies, depends which one we catch first, before your bladder inflates and bursts!

(Father: hm, maybe taking him to the Ladies isn’t the best idea, you know how sensitive kids are these days, he might start to associate with the female toilet, might mess with his head, he’ll become a drag queen in his teens or by his twenties he’ll invite teams of lewd men into bed!)

Dad: Son, just go piss behind that bush over there!

Son: Ok, dad!

I suspect that in later life this particular boy will wind up with cocks between his buttocks either way! :wink:


I have to admit, when I was little and traveling with my mom and sister I had to use the women’s lavatory a couple times. And ever since then i can’t tell the difference. I often go into the wrong one from time to time. I often mistake the sink to be a urinal. It upsets the other women let me tell ya’. But hey, I can’t help it right? I have a cock up my ass. Thanks mom.
