Anyone read Sophia’s World by Jostein Gaardner?.. I’ve just started reading it and want to know your thoughts on it!
never have read it. Is it any good?
Sophie’s world?
That brings back memories… I read it about 6 or 7 years ago when I was still at school.
I think also it was a worldwide bestseller…
it’s a worldwide bestseller, like you said, it’s mainly about the basics of philosophy and philosophy throughout the ages
it’s got a rather freaky ending, which is the most fun part of the book
a nice intro into philosophy i suppose
yeah… i started it today, but its very interesting… and yes, an intro to philosophy… thts why im reading it… very good so far
its not bad for a first introduction to some philosophical questions.
a popular novel, good because a first introduction can’t be a manual.
i recommend it if you’re in high school and don’t need anything too deep.
it goes off the deep end a tad in the end.
aaah…Sophie’s World…I read it a few years ago. It’s practically an introductory crash course in philosophy. I loved it.
Ever since, I’ve loved reading Jostein Garder’s books. My favourite is The Solitaire Mystery. It’s fascinating! brazil.Ronaldo_9…i suggest you read it. u’d love it!
And Hello is Anybody Out there,is quite a good one for kids…!!
whitelotus …Harry Potter??? ahahhaha
i personally think Garder is a genius!!!
I liked the book, except on the minus side i think it sold Aristotle short – and I thought the greatest toy should not have been lego blocks, but play-dough: matter that holds forms. I also remember there was an entertaining commentary on Marxism.
Now this might answer the previously posted question on these boards – how do you make philosophy popular?
I think I was the one who posed that question (or one like it) in jest. Philosophers already know how to make Philosophy popular. make a Philosopher King, have this myth about Metals, an Allegory about a cave, wild sex orgies between really smart folks…
The only thing that annoyed me about the novel was that every other page someone was saying " a’ bagatelle’ (sp).
1( I have no idea what that means.
2 Repetition in writing is ok when used for effect, but not so great when one just refuses to substitute a different term.
Or you could just publish Great Books sets and tell people, “Philosophy is everyone’s business.” That might be a better answer for a Democracy.
(Where did Plato mention sex orgies?)
Nowhere that I know of, that was me making a sly reference to someone else once saying he did.