
I think you get one true love in your life. One soulmate. I think you fall in love and stay in love with this person forever.

I think I would like to better understand how you came to that conclusion, which, by the way, I think is incorrect.

I think most people never experience true love because they’re too busy looking for a quick fuck.

I don’t know about the soulmate idea. It seems more of Ideal than a reality…

I dare say when you love someone you call it True Love, and you may never call it anything less, least you have too part with such love as seems true. I’m sure, True Love, can eventually become a Divorcee.

The poets have strangled love to death, with hyperbolic exaggeration, truelove, is such a poetic expression; I’m sure love has as much to do with practicality, compromise, and endurance, than it does with kinship, affection and idealisation.

Then again, perhaps I know very little of love…

I would be skeptical of the whole thing based just out of personal experience. What is true love? The one person who you can love unconditionally no matter what they do, the person who feels that way for you, someone ou can tolerate long enough to spend your life with them? Because I think I have seen more than one carnation of a ‘true love’ in my short life, and more to come I would hope, so the idea of a ‘true love’ as being unique seems somewhat false to me. Unless there is some defining characteristic you can define a true love having that all other relationships would lack?

Not saying I don’t want the mystical true love to fall into my lap, I just don’t see her (or him, but I seriously doubt that) existing at all.

But its a big misconception that relationships are about love, its wrong. Relationship have to be a match. And if they truly love eachother than it will last. A realtionship is like a baking a cake, there are lots of ingediants, flour, eggs, icing, ect. Think of ingediants like there lives, how much money they have, stability, house, beliefs, and think of LOVE like ICING, its the sweetest and best and makes it all worth it. And you put it on last. Love is like ICING ON A CAKE for a relationship.

The definition of love (for me): The desire/Want/Need to help/be kind/spend time with/support another person. Literally you want to do Stuff for that person. And enjoy it, you enjoy getting the door, picking up tampons, rubbin her back, holding her when she cries, telling her shes beautiful. And you do it not only because it makes her feel good, but it makes YOU feel good. This is why i think i dont have a soul mate. I just want to love someone who will love me.

Everone is looking for love and cant find it because they dont know what there looking for. There looking for a soul mate. Looking for the wrong thing. Hunting rabbits when you are looking up to the sky.

While im looking for someone to treat me kind, vice versa. Someone who just enjoys being nice to me and nice together. Its really quite simple, relationships, when you throw out love. And just be people one to another. And realize that there isnt anyone out there for me. And this person is fine for me, she makes me happy, i make her happy, now were both happy. Simple. If we dont make eachother happy anymore, well then, time to move on. This is why marriage is something that should happen after like 5 years. So you can back out.

P.S Rabbits dont fly…

I think Love is confused with Infatuation/Lust, FREQUENTLY.

Haven’t any of you ever heard someone say “for the love of lust”?

OK …but the problem is…if he/she isnt your soulmate, then theres always someone better around the corner that you’ll trade her up for. Theres always someone cuter and sweeter and better smelling, ya know?

don’t you have to be a (disembodied) soul to have soulmate?

soulmate… James Brown’s sugarless coffee sweetener…


I think that you have a few soulmates in the course of your life. They are quite rare, but not completely unique. Plato got that bit wrong.

As far as forever goes, it takes more than mere compatibility for a romantic relationship to work long term. Infatuation can fade in a matter of weeks, or at best it endures only for a few years. Commitment takes regular effort. Both partners must see the relationship itself as something to which they are both willing to give. The relationship itself must bee seen as worth each of their time and effort. It can be too easy to lose trust and loyalty to the relationship.

People sometimes imagine that one relationship can be replaced with another one, but that is not true. Each relationship is unique and cannot ever be replaced. You may have many different romantic relationships over the course of your life and each of them, good or bad, is one of a kind.

Yes, but that takes effort, and the difference in quality of the prospective mates needs to justify the effort that will be expended in acquire the better one.

When God created us as “souls”, He created us in “twos” so that we would never be alone and that there will always be another to bear a witness for us. This other half is our “soulmate”.
Soulmates are not someone who we “meet and marry” in any one lifetime. The most likely time soulmates actually share a life on earth is in the case of identical twins. Many identical twin siblings have become quite known to have performed some extraordinary deeds together in the life they were given to share.
Soulmates who share a life but are not identical twins can often “make or break” each other. One is the teacher, the other is the student, or maybe they both have something to teach the other. “Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton”, for instance. Usually the lesson is learned through “tough love”.

Those whom we meet, fall in love with and marry are better known as “twin souls”. They share many common life experiences and are compatible as they have so much in common and can relate very well together.

Not everyone believes in god. cant relate.


Yeah,yeah, I know. Been there done that. I too was once an atheist. God was nowhere in my life, but I never stopped asking the questions. When He found me, it wasn’t in any church, mosque, temple or synogogue. I swear to this day that if I did belong to any of the above religions, I never would have come into His being as I know it now.

How did you come to that conclusion?

There’s no evidence for that at all.

Great. Have fun in heaven.

Something that CG Jung once wrote fits with this very well. Paraphrasing him: our image of God is usually there to protect us from having a religious experience.

Xanderman talks good sense.

I haven’t experienced true love often . . . but I will say that it is immediate. Ahhh, I can still remember the way her head turned in that hallway mixed with orange-blossom. The mere memory of it brings me nearly to tears.

On an (un)related note, I’ve always felt an inexorable draw towards joining the Roman Catholic Faith and becoming a priest. Ironically, the women that I have loved most intensely have all had Biblical names and none have pierced my heart deeper than those with Christ-derivative names (such as Christina or Christine).

Granted, there was a David too . . . but that would seem to be the exception that proves the rule.


I am having fun in heaven. It seems to me that you spend all of your life looking for “evidence” that the " truth" has eluded you. Don’t come to me with any or looking to receive any “evidence”. In my experience, ASK, and you shall receive an answer, but SEEK and you shall find it.

Heaven and hell are only states of mind. You create your own reality. You can analyze all the pain and suffering of your lifetime, blame it all on a “lack” of god or even blame others for your problems. You can choose to live in your anger and live a “hellish” existence if you want to, or you can forgive, let go of the pain and live an existence of liberation, peace, serenity, and love. IT’S YOUR CHOICE.

–Johann Wolfgan von Goethe