Sound of music

Sound of music

Many years ago I became conscious of my ignorance of music. Of course, I recognized all the popular music and even tried to sing some of it occasionally. I had, for a very long time, been aware that I did not know music but for some reason I became conscious of this fact, my attention became focused upon this simple awareness. As a result I bought a package deal for ‘music appreciation’. My package included a book and some tapes.

I discovered that, for me, music appreciation was not going to be easy. I was directed to listen to certain tapes; I was told what to listen for and was informed as to the importance of that element I was hearing meant within the world of music. I had a very difficult time hearing what I was supposed to hear. I quickly lost interest and to this day I still do not know music. I do, however, know enough to recognize the depth of my ignorance. When I became conscious, through my music appreciation package, of the different elements of music I became knowledgably of the depth of my ignorance.

I miss much by this ignorance; this I am confident of. Someday I shall revisit this matter and hopefully I will stick it out this time and manage to jump over the barrier that surrounds this domain of ignorance. Once I get over that original high hurdle then I am confident my enthusiasm of discovery will carry me forward. That first step is the toughest in most domains of ignorance but once we overcome it we are supplied with the energy to carry forward because the joy of learning takes over.

Hobbies are ways in which many individuals express their individuality. Those matters that excite an individual interest and curiosity are those very things that allow the individual to self-understanding and also for others to understand them. Interests define individuality and help to provide meaning to life. We all look for some ideology, hobby, philosophy, or religion to provide meaning to life.

When examining psychosis the psychiatrist advises either the establishment of an interpersonal evolvement or for finding interests and perhaps new patterns of thought. Many of us find that our work provides that means for identity and personal fulfillment.

Few of us have discovered our full potentialities or have fully explored, in depth, those we have discovered. Self-development and self-expression are relatively new ideas in human history. The arts are one means for this self-expression. The artist may find drawing or constructing sculptures as a means for self-discovery. The self-learner may find essay writing of equal importance. Consciousness of individuality first become a possibility in the middle Ages. The Renaissance and further the Reformation enhanced the development of individual identification.

The word “individual” moved from the indivisible and collective to the divisible and distinctive. In this we see the development of an understanding of self-consciousness thus illustrating the dramatic change taking place in our developing understanding of the self as a distinct subject not just a cipher in a community. This was part of the Renaissance.

I recommend that each individual develop the hobby of an intellectual life. We could add to our regular routine the development of an invigorating intellectual life wherein we sought disinterested knowledge; knowledge that is not for the purpose of some immediate need but something that stirs our curiosity, which we seek to understand for the simple reason that we feel a need to understand a particular domain of knowledge.