Spinoza on animation

What did spinoza meen by all things are in their different degrees animated? What do you think os his mind body argument.

oh good god, i’m in the middle of writing a 12 page paper on spinoza’s beliefs, specifically laid out in the ethics, and, really if you wanted a short answer to your question, i’m quiet certain that the spinozist position on mind-body dualism can best be summed as fucked up.

and for all you kiddies out there who think that terms such as internal causation, final causality, principle of sufficient reason, substance, attribute, infinite modes, etc. can get MORE coherent on as the early morning hours approach, i can tell you right now that they don’t. what does become coherent is that writing a paper the weekend before its due, if due monday, does nothing for my sanity or my cat’s sleeping habits.

damn you rationalists!!

hehe trix. would be lovely if you were to share the fruits of your labour into rationalism. what class is your paper for?

here has a little something about movement & e mind body dualism.
i tried to check it out but after reading that, i still do not understand it.
i hope it would be of some help.

good god jedi, the link for more stuff by spinoza!!! spinoza is one of the hardest philosophers out there…
the class is for modern philosophy phl210 if your ever at uoft. i might post a paragraph or two in the other forms…i don’t think it makes sense, logic, even a pretty picture :unamused:

spinoza tries to solve the mind body problem by proving that there is only one substance, god. since he is a substance monist, there is no mind body problem for him.