What stage are you?
- Stage 1: “Philosophy is just BSâ€
- Stage 2: Philosophy without rigor
- Stage 3: Partial exposure
- Stage 4: Exploration phase
- Stage 5: Specialization
- Stage 6: Philosophy with rigor
- Stage 7: New philosophy
- Stage 8+: The 8+ stages. Anything 8 or above.
For some time, I have been collecting observations of my friends and other people in regards to their philosophical abilities. I have noticed “patterns” which I have formed into hiearchical stages of philosophical ability. This does not represent a serious analysis, though I imagine many will agree with it. Also, I should warn that I have not tried to find out if there has been any serious prior art on this matter. If anyone has any good references, it would be much appreciated.
Stages of philosophical thinking
“Philosophy is just BSâ€: At this stage, philosophical thinking is not taken seriously. Usually, it is replaced by unexamined extreme scientism or a wild unexamined belief system (beyond standard religions). The ideas of individuals at this stage are so nonsensical as to be irrefutable. How some individuals, even after many many years, still manage to progress beyond this stage, could likely serve as a proof for divine intervention.
Philosophy without rigor: Philosophy is considered as a way of thinking; although it may not be taken seriously as it is believed that nothing can be gained from it. In truth, nothing can be gained because the view of philosophy at this stage is devoid of consistency or rigor. No consideration is given to the work of philosophers in the past or even the notion of progress in philosophy for that matter. It is not uncommon at this stage to conclude that all philosophical thinking is non-serious, which is a rather convenient conclusion given that it results from non-serious philosophical thought. At this stage, it is important to practice thinking philosophically and to construct philosophical theories. Once sufficient practice has been made, it may be enough for some philosophically inclined elder to bluntly note the glaring and often self-stultifying logical errors in those very theories. Repeatedly. After some time, and references to other philosophers and their standard arguments, painful and slow progress into stage 3 can be made.
Partial exposure: This is the first stage where any real philosophy is even touched. Philosophy is recognized as a legitimate and serious way of thinking, and it is known that some questions have been well studied by philosophers in the past. Despite this, exposure to those works at this stage is limited. At this stage, one should focus on practicing serious philosophy through dialogues and solving philosophy problems. However, once sufficient practice has been obtained, one should quickly move on to more reading rather than talking, in order to avoid stagnation at this stage.
Exploration phase: The major difference between this stage and the last is the number of works actually examined. Familiarity is gained with the various disciplines of philosophy and their pivotal works, some of which have actually been read or otherwise studied. At this stage, it is best to put off specialization as much as possible until one has a clear survey of all philosophy.
Specialization: After becoming exposed to a wide variety of areas, individuals at this stage begin specializing in certain disciplines of philosophy often based on their preferences. This specialization manifests as increased research, discussion, problem solving, and general thought about subtle topics in their specialty.
Philosophy with rigor: Progress in this stage results entirely from attempts at greater rigor and formalism in all their arguments and thoughts. At this stage, one is said to truly begin to master the basic logic and analysis tools of philosophy. One usually begins attacking specific problems in this stage with serious results. Time should be spent writing formal and painfully rigorous arguments, examining each explicit assumption that would normally go unexamined in the earlier stages. Also, care should be taken to review and practice basic logic skills and problem solving tools. Progress is made with the solution or analysis to complex problems, culminating in a new problem, solution, or analysis.
New philosophy: This stage is marked by the analysis of new and unique problems and/or solutions that is publishable in research journals. This stage is often reserved for graduate or postgraduate students of philosophy.
The 8+ stages: There are several stages beyond 7 which lead to greater and greater novel contributions to philosophy.
That’s it. What are your thoughts on this? Where do you think you fall and why? I just noticed I could add a poll. Try it out.