Favorite stand-up comedian? (or comedians)
Post a quote or two from the person too. A joke thread devoted to others’ jokes.
I was gonna stay over at my friend’s house. She says “You’re gonna have to sleep on the floor.” Damn gravity! Got me again. You don’t know how bad I wanna sleep on the wall!–Mitch Hedberg
Instead of having a $350 dollar tax cut what you do with that money is do a public works project. See, what that is, is you pay a lot of people to build something, okay? And that way you employ people who are unemployed. And then they get money, and they spend it, and that stimulates the fucking economy too! So, you pick a place that really needs something. You know, a state that could really use it, like Mississippi. Of course Mississippi. Because that’s the place that no one has ever thought, ‘Boy, I gotta vacation. I need two weeks in Biloxi!’ And you go down there and find a place that’s totally in the shitter; you won’t have to go far. And what you do is build a big fuckin’ thing. I don’t care what it is! As long as it’s big and it’s a fuckin’ thing! And then the economy will explode, because people will say, ‘I’ve gotta see the Big Fuckin’ Thing!’ And then there’ll be a Big Fuckin’ Thing Restaurant. A Big Fuckin’ Thing Hotel and Casino! A Big Fuckin’ Thing Spa!–Lewis Black