This thread is fail.
Mods please wipe this thread from existence. Do not lock it. Make it so it never happened.
Oh, come on I think Star trek has some very good motivational themes
The last one about the terrrorist is funny and depressing. That someone would be so dumb to threaten in such close range with a rocket launcher, is sad and funny. His cohorts are obviously not worried, they are either really trusting or realllllllly dumb.
I agree with Kris - don’t be so hard on youself/give youself a break…
I think the Moms of the guys standing voluntarily in front of the rocket launcher should have watched more Star Treks, Expendables
Maynard James Keenan
This thread had me laughing throughout. I enjoyed it. Thanks
My bro’s crush…
Seven of Nine - child-assimilated Borg turned un-assimilated crew member of Voyager:
Oh heck she is every hetro’s male fantasy and probably a few male homosexual fantasies too Its the uniform
I honestly do not think that borg chick is that hot. I take a lecture class in a giant classroom that holds about 300 students. 150 girls. I would probably not even rank that borg chick in the top 10.
This chick is much hotter…
Well sure but most young males never saw her in her prime. She and Kirk were the main sex objects of that series. Roddenberry chose her for her classic features, her talent and her sexuality. Kirk was the same way
The mystery at the time was wether the two were really a couple.
Tell me about it I watched my bro drool over her…
Your comment would fall on deaf ears, as far as my bro is concerned…
Resistance is futile.
haha, i liked the one about the terrorist. i never did watch much star trek, but those were mildly amusing.
regarding the terrorist poster, yeah, those big strong guys with their guns and their rocket laucher, so big and so tough, so macho…so why the masks?
In some countries doing what they did would be an automatic death sentence. No trial, just a cheap bullet to the head. So you really would not want your identity flung about would you?
a bullet for who? the “terrorist?”
to me, it seems like they are kidnapping and holding a man hostage. i could see why they wouldnt want their identity known.
but doesnt it seem a little overkill though? clearly the man is out numbered. he doesnt seem like he would pose that much of a threat to have a rocket laucher aimed at him, but who knows.
would these “terrorist” be so brave without their masks?
The bullet would be for the men in the masks. In underdeveloped countries where it is more dictatorship than anything else these so called terrorists, if they win their battle, would be called heros by history books. Until then they are dead men if discovered and what dictator would fail to capture family and torture family in order to capture the “terrorists”?
I understand how you feel but in so many countries the laws do not say you are innocent until proven guilty, in many countries you are guilty until proven innocent and that is if you are lucky nough to get a real honest trial. Would the terrorists be so brave without their masks? Probably not since it may cost their loved ones their lives including the children. To risk a photo is brave considering forensics is pretty much able to get details from photos unlike ever before. Masks are not a foolproof guarantee.