I feel for all of you that live in the North, we are expecting to hit a hard feeze in the low teens tonight through Sunday… If we are going to be that horrifically frozen, You have have it worse. Stay safe and warm, may your families and friends stay safe and warm and if you see someone that needs help, reach out and help, this weather is not fit for man nor beast.
It’s not so bad when you’re used to it, Kris. It’s been a lot of single digits for a couple of weeks here in Maine. I haven’t even broken out the longjohns yet.
A few may die, yes. But they are weak and therefore deserving of their fate.
I jest.
Actually, the state motto is: “We’ll struggle, we’ll fail, but we’ll drink a lot in the mean time.”
Might as well be.
Do you know what BMW means here?
Two things:
What Massholes (people form Massachusetts) drive
Big Maine Woman (a “functionally obese” female, usually with a noticeable mustache)
Labrdor only closes school is it gets to 60 below (celcius).
Last night, at 4 am, the fire alarm went off…
Someone lit a cigarette, threw it in the garbage shute, and watched the entire building fill up with smoke…
I had to get up and go wait outside for about 40 minutes while old lady fire fighters do their work.
Seriously, there was an olld ass lady firefighter… Gray hair and glasses, rinkly face… She was a grandma wearing a oxygen tank, and carrying an axe… an interesting sight…
It’s actually pretty funny. Having grown up in Wisconsin, I eat Indiana winters for breakfast. But I do get to laugh at co-workers from warmer climates. The Indians haven’t been in for the last few days . . .
Good to hear you all have adapted to such inhuman temperatures. For myself if it drops below 70 farenheit I freeze. This arctic blast is pretty nasty to those of us adapted to normal human warm lifegiving temperatures… I say this with the warmest regards , you all is nuts for living there
It got down to almost -25 F last night, and it didn’t get over -5 F at any point today. First time I couldn’t start my car, actually, had to get a jump (didn’t park in the garage). Luckily by tomorrow it’s supposed to be up around +32 F. Man, that would be a welcome change. That’s shorts-weather this time of year.
My stepdad works in Nigeria, he told me that when the temperatures go down to 80 degrees Far. The native Nigerians are wearing coats. Its all in where you were raised.