Hey, has anybody here seen a poem of mine?
I put it down here then went out for a drink.
I labored greatly all night, writing line by line,
now there’s not even hint of paper nor ink.
It was a great poem, too,
at least I think that it was,
about a girl I once knew,
and the things that she does.
It had pathos and humor and pain and some laughs,
elephants and tigers, cats and dogs, and giraffes.
It had a Christian, a Muslim, and even a Jew.
If I remember correctly, it even had you!
It talked about God and it talked about love,
You’d have thought it was sent down from heaven above.
Oh, but where can it be?
Where, oh where, did it go?
Didn’t anyone see?
Doesn’t anyone know?
I locked the front door and the windows were closed,
no signs of forced entry, and yet I’ve been hosed!
And now somebody else has this poem that I wrote,
seeking all of the credit so they’ll get to gloat.
Ha! But just wait til they start to read it aloud –
They’ll blink and they’ll blink, and outside they’ll then slink,
bringing laughter and jeers from the folks in the crowd,
for I wrote this great poem in invisible ink!