wow! way to go! i dont know why i didnt think of this [/not sarcastic]
i have been thinking so hard over the past couple of days since i found this thing that my brain has inexplicably started to make these little zaps that arent painful but just… not right
but anyway thinking is great! my brief experience with reading what some old fart says about philosphy is that he can do in a thousand words what i could in an ambiguous few
so screw reading start writing/thinking for yourself
What a stupid thing to say. Are you claiming that all knowledge is subjective? That seems to be the jist of your argument. People read to gain insight into the genuine experiences of other people, and that is the same thing as learning. Other from that, criticism of conceptual writing is redundant when the author has invested more time than you in research. Science in particular makes all criticism redundant.
How could one judge, and thereby weigh evidence, of say, Marx, without reading what he wrote first? Should we wait for the town drunk to stumble out of the bar and tell us?
Fascinating topic! I wonder how one can start writing without reading at the same time? Whatever… I guess we all have our own ways of doing things our way. Anyway…
As a side reminder I think,
Philosophy = logic + basic intelligence + emotional pain + time