Stop Trying to Muscle Me With Your Brains! Newbie!

Made you look- ha-ha

No but seriously, have you ILPer’s ever noticed how newcomers to the site throw their hat into the ring with force. =; Like you have to appear like you know it all to be accepted here. I think i might have been guilty of it too, at points of my reckless posting.

If you have under 300 hundred posts, take offense. :-$

Relax. You know nothing. We all know nothing. Including me. I’m sure of it. haha.

But anyway, to all you newcomers, post here and tell us what interests you most, what subjects do you know the most about?

I have to admit, I see some wordy posts that don’t really say anything to catch my eye. Then I’ll read a thread so simple like . . . “dogs are really cute. What do you think” and I’ll put in this volume of a response. Go figure.

Haha, I’m gonna start a thread called, Farts are really Loud. That ought to draw you in. Yup. Reel you right in.

I guess I’m new. I don’t really know much about anything. Except Judaism. And that doesn’t get you very far in philosophy. I suppose I’ve read through all of Camus’ work, so I’d hope I know a little something of that. I have a feeling most of it escaped me though.

history never repeats…


I’ve got a very philosophical mind but as I have said before I simply don’t have the vocabulary to compete on these forums. Nonetheless I enjoy learning, and wasting my time posting in mundane babble.

One day. [-o<

I’m really smart, I just don’t want to embarrass you people.

Can you please tell us something about Camus, his personal life, quotes, philosophy, anything? I’m interested. I read The Stranger, and i love the prison sequence.

I see no reason why new people should hold back…this isn’t the only source of knowledge on philosophy.

That just killed me. :laughing:

I use big words because I want to be comfortable using them, and use them correctly when it might matter at some point in my life. I’m not well versed in anything. I have a little acquaintance with a bit philosophy. Nietzsche, above all others who I’ve read a bit of, resonates with me the most. I cannot speak intelligently about the big picture that is Nietzsche’s philosophy, though…long walks on the beach, etc, etc.

I think the whole “Use big words!” thing is a sign of respect for those already here…people assume that you WILL be smart, and feel mildly intimidated by that, thus trying their best to be as smart as possible…instead of stumbling in like a drunk and using numbers in place of words.

Seriously, would it bother you more if someone came in a bit too big for their britches and used a huge vocab, or if they entered a thread and typed like this- “Lolz I luv filosofy 2! u r so smart!”

I don’t know about you guys but I came here to post what was/is on my mind.


God dammit I swear I am going to just skin the next person that calls me May.

Somebody other than me does it?? I guess I need to pay more attention to who my allies are! :evilfun: :stuck_out_tongue:

Lazy ass.

Tace- It has ONE more letter, it’s shorter than “Maytacera”, and it doesn’t make me view you as a lower life form similar to teeny boppers and emos.

What would I need to do in order to put myself on that level? :laughing:

I use medium sized words. I’m serious.

At this point?

You’d need 4 more years of education and an extra half a brain to put you on the level of Emo children.

This site plays the role of my mind’s gym. It’s a place where I voluntarily come to break my ideas, so that they may be built up stronger again.

May why are you so sensitive about your name?