Straight Teeth

Yes well, I can understand that, but given all of the overwhelming evidence in favor of having straight, healthy teeth, I’d say that oral hygiene is the wrong place to start trying to show people that their behaviors are superficial.

I agree that such is a hard place. but if it is wrong its wrong. And if you can prove something wrong that is so widely accepted it is quite a large step.
Where as when the small more easily disproved things are shown people just end up continuing about their lives, say, “Oh that’s interesting guess I won’t do That” instead of thinking…“What else could we be doing wrong, what other technologies have we developed that are more detrimental that aren’t so obvious?”

Yes, but you can’t really prove this wrong, can you? It’s already been proven that good oral hygiene (yes, including straight teeth) contributes to the overall health of the individual. That is a fact, and it’s public information. You should’ve done some research before you started arguing against it.

I did do research and all the sites just say it is “good for oral hygiene” it doesn’t say how or how they came to that conclusion. I admit i could be wrong, but I want to see the evidence rather than just accept it because other people accept it. I mean would you jump off a cliff if everyone was jumping off cliffs. No because that is obvious, but then you might if people had been doing it in your culture for thousands of years and it was expected of you as serving to some higher being or thought to help fertilize the land below or something…

What I don’t understand is how you or others are saying that it is proven when you don’t seem to have a clear idea of how it was or is? Again other than that it has been said that it is. And the ideas of how it is good, are not entirely evident… its almost like believing in a bad religious text simply because everyone else is, or because it is what you have been taught sense you were young.

Of course I recognize that one can’t go around delving into everything we are doing, s that would be quite hard and time consuming, but when it seems, for example, that people are doing something primarily because it is just social expected, then i see reason to begin to delve into the matter, First consider it logically, and then seek evidence, and in the case of this it seems I have still yet to see any evidence, or referencing, and the logic I have provided seems to suggest against what is thought to be the reasoning by those who have made suggestions.

In the end rather than arguing whether I’m arguing something stupid, because it “seems” silly, (as it would seem needed to logically show something is silly first, which would mean showing with logic or empirical data that what i suggested was wrong…I wouldn’t say your arguments haven’t been logical, they are a form of logic, but they really haven’t been oriented against suggesting why my particular suggests are wrong other than saying they are…) let us work together, or not if that’s not what you want, to get deeper into the subject, so we can then conclude that i was either wrong, mostly wrong, even, mostly right, or completely right. and then what ever wrongness there is delve into some idea of how to fix that problem…

one sight said this:

"Braces are more than the means to a stunning smile–they can improve dental health and function, says Susan Runner, D.D.S., chief of the Dental Devices Branch in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “They can be used to move teeth that are overcrowding,”(it doesn’t say overcrowding is bad or what it causes, it leaves that to implication) Runner says. Crowded or crooked teeth are harder to brush and floss, and improper cleaning(suggests that braces aren’t need but education on cleaning) can lead to tooth decay and other dental problems. (what percentage of misallignment cases on average lead to tooth decay and what other dental problems)

“Braces can correct severe bite problems that would hamper eating(that makes sense but to what degree and what not is it severe enough to matter really?) and give a greater risk of gum disease and tooth and bone loss,”(what degree of risk) says Runner. Bite problems may occur when the upper and lower jaw don’t come together properly. Uncorrected bite problems can cause teeth to wear down, make for difficult chewing, and put stress on the jawbone, producing pain. "( that is more reasonable, but again how often)

It seems to me that the actual commonality of need for braces may be severely over diagnosed. I don’t know that such means that the doctors are doing it purely for money, but then they may not be considering the problems with what they are suggesting as reasons because they aren’t interested in pursuing problems because money is involved. And again I imagine that is not always the case. Nonetheless we shouldn’t be having an unnecessary over diagnosis. For if we continue to do this over many generations it can lead to a higher tendency for misalignment because peoples bodies may evolve to not need to work as hard at aligning teeth on its own…but the time it might take that to occur could be ridiculously far in the future… And in fact it may not affect our teeth at all in a generational evolutionary sense. Although many of the drugs and things we do and introduce to our environment through our technologies (as our own selves and technologies are a part of our environment) can cause alterations in evolution which need to be taken into consideration. For example another problem is the over diagnosis of ADD, but also just the over use of prescription medicines period, as the use of things especially in the brain can result in the brain slowing down its production of the chemicals introduced which can in the long run and especially over many generations result in a need for the medicine. In other words we don’t need to consider addictions that can occur within a lifetime alone, but addictions that may occur over a period of lifetimes or in other words generations…