strange philosophers

who do you think was the strangest philosopher?

Philosophers, as creators of values, set the standard for what is normal and thereby, for what is strange. So my counterquestion is: strange according to what standard? If your standard is the average man, than the strangest philosopher is the most exceptional one, which means the most “inhuman” one. If your standard is the average philosopher, than the strangest philosopher is the most unphilosophical philosopher. Nietzsche, at any rate, called himself a “misosopher”; and, according to Harry Neumann’s definition, he was a nihilist scientist, not a philosopher. At one point, he danced around naked in his room.

“People are strange
When you’re a stranger”
[The Doors, People Are Strange.]

Sartre, Nietzche. Then quite alot who begin with an H.

jebd: who do you think was the strangest philosopher?

K:I have heard Kierkegaard was a freak. A religious fanatic
who had real issues with his father and left a girl at the alter
because of personal issues. His biographies have alluded to it,
but have not gone all out and said so.





Philosophers that write structured books about how there is no structure and set themselves up as an authority.


Humans hate boundries while erecting even more.


ME of course :wink: :astonished: