…how do you stay organized and fit everything in your schedule???

me, I do what I want up until the last moment and then churn out whatever the prof is asking for, collect my A(unless it is a math class) and then get drunk. I am just that damn good.

gate, you have heard NOTHING yet…

i party all weekend and weekdays, and then at the last period before that class, i end up working on a masterpeice project…then i party some more without bothering to collect my A…let it collect dust… :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

unfortunately, i am now a buisnesswoman and i cannot juggle things like that anymore…oh, my youth has passed me by…

just go to your prof’s office hours and suck his dick… guaranteed A.

i tell it like it is.

Weekends are parties, when you’re studing in the morning, you’re reading the whole night… and after all you’ve been learning 2 nights for the whole week and you’ve got fun through the week ;')

I have a pet chimpanzee who writes my philosophy papers for me. I, on the other hand, spend all my time drunk, playing video games and eating cheetos.


Seriously though, I guess I am lucky in that I have a passion for philosophy. I don’t require discipline, because I would rather read a book than go out anyway. In fact, I require more discipline just in ensuring that I eat properly than in getting my work done.

So yeah, just fortunate I guess… [size=75](Why, even right now I am reading a book. It is called Biomedia, by Eugene Thacker.) [/size]

University suits me, because I don’t need to go to class to do well; I learn better when left alone to my own devices. My last year of high school required discipline and will-power to persevere in subjects which ceased to interest me - especially once I realised that I could pull off the rhetorical equivalent of the ‘jedi mind’ trick, and avoid actually applying much effort in my studies. I did though write hundreds of pages of study notes for my final exams.

But like they say - some things just come with the territory. :sunglasses: (Unless of course you are Gate Control Theory, in which case you finished high school at the age of 8, and are now the first ever 12 year old university professor (teaching theoretical astrophysics, of course :wink: ). At Princeton. With fucking emeritus status. Yeah.

So anyway (effects patronizing big-brotherly tone), ‘chin up’ and all that… :smiley:



In my case… I put myself through the masochistic hellpath that is university basketball, and cherish the time I have to do things other than run and jump myself into depleted shell of a person. So in this way I ‘like’ learning what I need to for school and writing my way out of the rest, because when you’re too tired to do anything but move your fingers… or your eyes, it’s a perfect fit.

I never made a single study plan, yet I generally do exceptionally well. Having a nice calendar to look at does help. Not in terms of arranging your time effectively, more in terms of having something to stare at as you procrastinate.

Pets are handy, they provide a further thing to stare at while procrastinating. For me, 90% of revision consists of procrastination. If you read the stuff in the first place then you already understand it. If you didn’t then re-reading it now won’t help you.

A time-plan isn’t necessarily as important as identifying the stuff that you need to prioritise. What do you need to know? Learn that first and learn it well (i.e. repeat it in your sleep, etc.). Then, what of the rest of the stuff is most interesting to you? Learning that should be easy. Then all the rest, if you’ve got the time.

im an awesome procrastintor… have 2 older siblings… learnt from the best.

im not into schedules (or getting drunk and partying - soz) but im a good crammer.

Axiom: We only move to the point of greatest pressure.

Typical scenario: Last hour before bedtime, pull out planner. Fill out the next day in 15 min segments. (mostly the crap I didn’t do today) Next day, get up with determination to actually use the daily planner. Do daily ablutions, dress, have breakfast, and out the door. Mobile rings before ten steps from front door. Meeting cancelled/ car broke down/ relative is in hospital/(insert favorite shitstorm here). Throw planner at the front door. Stalk off and make it up as you go along for the rest of the day. If anything on the planner was accomplished, it was an accident.


When I was in school I would do a little bit every day. That means that you feel as if you are doing nothing at all. Really though you are doing a much better job with your studies, as you are allowing them to sink in over time. So, when the test comes up you hardly have to study at all.

That’s the best way to get through school without stress.

Heh… don’t need to.
I have a special baseball cap (just kidding).

I chant before the mirror everyday when I get up: “Procrastination is like masturbation in the end you’re just fucking yourself – that’s: procrastination is like masturbation in the end you’re just fucking yourself.” Ten times or so at the very least. Then I go into the shower and uhm… well… I need a new chant its just not working.

i have my irish luck…

I believe in irish luck too. No wires are getting crossed here (^^)


lol I hate schedules. They tie you down. It’s like “Well… I feel like randomly attending a Catholic church to see what they do on weekdays on the way home from school today… but OH SHIT! I have a schedule.”

Or… “Well, I feel like taking pictures upside-down in a tree today… but OH FUCK! I have a schedule.”

or… “Well… I tried to make “plans” (IE: restrict myself in when I can randomly do things) with a friend today, but I forgot my schedule…”

I just dooooooo stuffs and it gets done when I doooooooooooo it. I was up till 3am this morning making a crappy website for my tech class. I’m not tired yet tho.

Possum, I take it back. Wires are getting crossed (^^) (^^)

evidently… what with the (^^)?

Possum, it is fine art: ‘A moderate face’, created by ‘iloveben’ on September 20, 2005, Irish time. (^^).