Stuff the ICC. MAGA

In July 2024, Benjamin Netanyahu was given a standing ovation by members of the United States Congress. It goes without saying that Congress was totally unaware of what ‘Benny the Net’ had been up to prior to his July visit.

Disturbingly, certain facts have come to light since his last visit - facts that could prove to be an embarrassment to The Maga Don. In November 2024, just four months after receiving a rapturous reception from Congress, the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for BtN’s arrest. Netanyahu, decided it would be prudent not to leave Israel.
However, it’s been reported that BtN is planning to try and sneak back into the United States of America. If he manages to successfully enter the country, please report any sightings to the authorities. DO NOT APPROACH HIM. Citizens, genuine and otherwise, are urged to be vigilant.

The charges?

Allegedly responsible for the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare and of intentionally directing an attack against the civilian population; and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts from at least 8 October 2023 until at least 20 May 2024.

It goes without saying that The Don, swamp cleaner in chief, will not wish to be seen in the company of Benny the Net.

Keep em peeled.

As usual Mr. Derly, excellent thread…
but I may say, that the felon known as
IQ45, doesn’t care about ‘‘looks’’…
as he is in love with dictators, a sexual thing
I guess, anyway, he will meet with any dictator
anywhere as long as he can get his photo op,
of his slurping more jizz from any dictator around…

The fact that ‘‘Benny the net’’ engages in genocide,
that for IQ45 is a plus… IQ45 would love to engage
in genocide here in America, minorities, gays,
immigrants, women… the more the better…

MAGA: really means make America white
and male and only those with wealth need apply…
everyone else, ‘‘go home’’

Anyway, excellent post…

as always, your friend.

Meh, the US congress worships Israel. Way more so than America. They are all on the take.

Nothing to see here.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not accurate.

@Carleas new thread? roflmao

But holy crap, you totally wrote in almost a paragraph! Way to go, buddy!

You don’t see the pattern? PK writes something and receives nothing but personal criticism? Do you suppose it’s because he makes people feel uncomfortable?

Far better to disregard all those silly questions he encourages us to ask ourselves.

A metaphor. During an interview on the White House Lawn, Mister Trump was asked about the prospect of Kim Jong Un visiting the White House. Mister Trump did not rule out such a possibility. Referring to Mister Jong Un, Mister Trump said: ‘‘He’s the head of a country - and I mean, he’s the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up to attention (Mister Trump points towards the White House) . . . I want my people to do the same.’’
Did you see his performance on Monday? Mission accomplished.

Such an image you conjure?
Address the issue. Is the United States government wise to offer sanctuary to a man who has been charged for the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare and of intentionally directing an attack against the civilian population; and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts from at least 8 October 2023 until at least 20 May 2024.

Knit one purl one :slightly_smiling_face:


Did I give the impression that I agree with everything Trump does? Strange.

No, to what?

How could you possibly give such an impression? Are you with him, 24/7? Strange indeed! :grin:

What was your reasoning behind such a request?

Cast off. :smile:

…negotiating with dictators, terrorists, so forth.