Stupid things you've done that i can laugh at

Break down the walls of your egoism, kick pride out of bed and tell us all about the most stupidous things you’ve done!


A few months ago i had had a few drinks (Stella 5.2% booze) whilst sitting here on the chair with the broken back rest. There was a glass i’d poured half of my drink into to get ride of the fizz. Still drinking from the six-pack of Stella i’d bought leaving this glass to the side, i continued gazing at the websites. Not sure which, not this one though.

After a few more drinks i got a bit horny, found the downloadable movies i wanted and done my business (ejaculated, spilled my semen) into the nearest seed-fluid-holder i could find, which was this glass. Half-an-hour to an hour went by still gazing, drinking and drooling by now, i had completely forgot about this glass and, you guess what? Ooh yes! you got it, i drank the contents of the glass.

Did you get pregnant?

Luckily not! :smiley:

I dont think it reaches the heights of your comedy… but when i was at university we used to have this game that we would play at my residence… when we were done our smokes we would throw them at the wall as hard as we could around dusk and ooo and ahh at the amount of sparks that were displayed and making alota sparks obviously proved how much of a man you were… So eventually this started to get pretty intense with some hard throws and throwing it up really close to acheive the biggest shower of sparks… So one day when i was really drunk i gave it a go… a running start and threw the cigarette with all the power that was within me at the cement wall… unfortunatley i did not judge correctly and instead of hitting the wall with my cigarette i slammed my hand into it as hard as i possibly could. It hurt a fucking lot. My buddies got a good laugh, and im pretty sure i was laughing too at the time… before the pain set in at least. I feel lucky i didnt break half the bones in my hand.

Sounds like something that happened to a friend of mine, only he went mad and done it intentionally over a woman - braking his knuckles. We still laughed! :smiley:

ummm stupid things ive done… :unamused: i really cnt think of anything as stupid and gross as drinking your own semen… did you know semen helps you lose weight? Thats right all you weight watching fitness addicts… suck my cock and lose weight!!! Fun for all…(strictly females only unless you are a horny robot)
ummm stupid stuff…chipped my teethe and ripped part of my upper lip up when i was riding a skateboard on my knees… that was when i was youn i dont skate anymore
i once lit a match with my mouth holding the match in my mouth… it worked the first few times but then the last time it flicked into my face and burnt me real bad… ooooowwwww
broke my leg whilst shuffling… not much funny stuff that i can remember… its usually funny with mates but not on here
your brave for admitting you drank your own semen…


Got hammered, starting having sex with my girlfriend at the time… then I passed out on her.

Fuck I’m good.

cleva… bet she wasnt real impressed…

Let’s just say it wasn’t the cause for our breakup :sunglasses:

I’m very absent minded — I’m always contemplating all these brilliant thoughts, like when I’m walking down the street thinking: “Gee I wonder what she’s thinking or he’s thinking,” while the other zombies are probably thinking: “I wonder what he (me) is thinking” . . . and then I think that we could all be walking around just thinking: “I wonder what everyone else is thinking about,” and then, if you think about it, no one would be thinking about anything at all for we all are simply thinking that other people are thinking, which isn’t really thinking; and what good is all this thinking about thinking if no one is thinking anyway? — which always inevitably leads me to do things like: the time I went on a bowling trip with my 9th grade class, bowled a 96 — if I tried, I told them, I certainly would have been over a 100 — and then came back to school to have some Sherlock point out that my shoes looked a bit funny.

Well, as I sat in the secretaries’ office waiting for my mom, who again had to ditch work to pick up her darling of a son, with the faculty ridiculing me — to say nothing of those puerile delinquents called peers — I began to wonder why we had to wear bowling shoes in the first place. It makes no sense if you really think about it. In fact, after serious contemplation, I’ve come to the conclusion that bowling alleys and those tough actin tenactin guys are in cahoots. That’s it. What else can it be?

But hey, talk about a brilliant way to get out of class. Though, I freely admit, I would have much rather slept through my French class, as that snob would have went off on one more of her tirades about the hoi polloi, then to hear another one of those parental middle school lectures — you know the ones, those that always start with: If you can’t do something as elementary as yatta yatta, then your whole life is going down the yatta yatta, (and never fail to conclude with), you’ll end up like your old man who’s a yatta yatta. Yes yes, as if my whole life is in jeopardy because I’m busy tying to solve the mysteries of modern life, while the rest of the world is on autopilot.

I told you once, and I’ll tell you again, to keep track of one’s shoes is too heavy a burden to bear for one who must keep track of the absurdities that surround daily existence. Alright, so maybe that’s what I wanted to say. You just can’t win with those stubborn parents – only waking up in the morning earns you a lecture. And man oh man, what about that fat fool at the bowling alley, with the ridiculous smirk on his face—common! You work in a bowling alley buddy! Like I’m sure no one ever goes home in the wrong shoes. Sure sure . . . and half of the psychology department isn’t gay.

TUM, you’re really beginning to grow on me :smiley:

I was teaching in a primary school a few years ago, before I moved jobs to the university, classes of 25-30 7 and 8 year olds. Anyway, I had 5 minutes to fill at the end of a lesson, so decided to play a clapping game - “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” - you know the one…

Anyway, just clapping was a bit boring so I told them to slap their thighs, clap once then bring the flat of one hand down on the loosely closed fist of the other to make some different noises. A great time was had by all.

The next day I was almost fired.

Apparently the school switchboard had been jammed with complaints since opening time that morning. Irate parents calling to see how their darling children had learned the street sign-language for [size=75][loosely translated][/size] “Hey whore - Would you like to fuck…?”

Cultural differences in sign-language… Gets you every time…

thats hysterical…

i nearly killed my best mate with sherbet…

once i was wating for a bus and the driver had left a bus down the road… a confuse old lady walked up to it and pressed the red button to open the door… she stepped in and the door closed behind her… she went to the back of the bus and sat down… then she relaised there was no bus driver so she began walking to the front of the bus and fell over… then she got up and started bangin on the doors!! She was trapped ha ha ha :laughing: It was hilarious… the bus was like a granny trap, we pressed the buton for her eventually and set her free into the wilderness

thats soooo mean… and funny.

Could you elaborate?

angst-ridden, did you record that on your mobile? Sound like some jock knocking craze or something.

Tabula Rasa, what parents complain about that? A sign of the times i suppose. [drum, cymbal] I didnt even mean to joke then…

Underground Man, once - or maybe twice - a similar thing has happened to me. Your situation sounded hilarious, i’d of loved to of been there. :laughing: Oh, and bowling shoes are there to prevent the grip on your shoes/trainers from marking the polished surface. Sadly, ive asked.

To get out that intricate thinking net you get yourself into, and to solve the mysteries of modern life, my advice – is to get a job! It just isn’t worth studying.

Turkish sign language is vastly different from British. Giving someone an innocent, good-natured thumbs-up means “I will fuck your butt” for example. When you go abroad, keep your hands in your pockets, and don’t fiddle with your change…

Im not a jock or a chav… im the opposite. I fucking hate them and their happy slapping trends…i didnt record it on a mobile and obviously i didnt set the bus up as a trap or knock the old woman over… i just saw it all happen, ofcourse we let the poor thing out… nothing about it was intentional on our part, just very amusing

So, the Turkish would be really offended by Buddy Christ.

angst-ridden your not a chav, i would of got some beers, a chair, some fags and a book. :sunglasses:

Ok, another one of what could be countless. Coming back from Andorra - Jesus this could be a really long post –
[Yawn] deleted two paragraphs. I did.

For the majority of us it’s the most sickly, unbalanced, nausea ridden trips that could be had; for, again, the majority of us stopped skiing after two to three days and hit the pubs and clubs up there on the mountain. To make things worst Eddie was there; who I got to know latter on at secondary school because he was a huge Elvis fan and his uncle was an Elvis impersonator called: “Eddie the Maverick”… Yep! He is one of these people who is good to reference about and good when his not around, when around though, his aggressive like erm… character ends up either annoying or upsetting everyone. Or freighting of women!! “Ere, Show us your tits!” Anyways getting to the point, we had all - there was six of us - celebrated the last day by getting blind drunk.

The trip was boring, the coach was full of tired people ready to go home, it was super Daz whitening bright outside which made it just about impossible to sleep, there was a few people quietly chatting here and there but it was just the monotonous sound of the engine that you heard most buzzing away as we descended the mountain. No one had much to say, the little that was said was that thing you do when your brainsick, dehydrated and your words are completely scattered about the place. Eddie was in a state, sitting across from me he did that thing were you just piece together certain words from a sentence and hope for the best; what he meant to say was something like: “have you ever turned on the love and got a women to have sex with you who probably didn’t want to in the first place? Such as your partner when she’s got an headache.” Instead, he shouted: “HAVE YOU EVER RAPED ANYONE…!” Not knowing with his ears popping how loud he’d said it, the whole bus went stone cold quiet; literally everyone turned around and just stared for what seemed ten minutes, but was probably about ten seconds.

The lady protests too much, methinks. – Shakespeare.