Can anyone define the term Subjective Neutrality for me? I have heard the term thrown around the media before but have no idea what it means. My only guess is that to be subjectively neutral = personally disengaged = emotionally benevolent = bloody well wankered. At least that’s what my “research” turned up.
first off,welcome to ILP.
second off,on first perception,i’d thought of it as meaning “situational neutrality” which means opportunistically holding your tongue.
i will now look it up on highly recommend it to anyone)
not in there? not in wikipedia ether? damn thats a though question.
not in my physical dictionary ether. oh well i tried. i am somewhat of a vocabulary enthusiast.
“Bloody well wankered”? ]
Um, that does not sound very good.
Facts with a minimum of desire mixed in = subjective neutrality?
I think the term refers to a neutral outlook towards everybody…sort of like the swiss during ww2.
But wouldn’t that just be Neutrality? Subjective Neutrality seems to apply to with what is known as The Adaptation-Level Principle: Happiness Is Relative to Our Prior Experience. Which may explain why drug addicts need more and more junk to get high.It could also explain a blistery Arizona night I experienced last winter where the temperature dropped to a scant 60 degrees! 60! Brrrrr…
I am sure there are many more applications for the term.
It’s a theoretical conceptualization, it’s not attainable in the pragmatic sense.
It’s largely biological (or if it’s not then I don’t know how it’s really defined) in the sense that it refers to a state of physical being – that is, bound by an individual’s perceptional stance.
So… in a somewhat less dry explanatory form, think of it as ‘sobriety’. What is it to be sober? No one is ever sober, ever. It doesn’t matter even what you eat; where you live, where you work, anything which enters your body alters it a certain way. Just like the senses – we are the ideas we surround ourselves by; but we can never get to the middle of this perspectivist storm.
I think it commonly is taken to mean “this place says it is neutral in words, but their deeds are not necessarily consistent with the words”. It’s usually used, I think, to indicate that some place is not as “neutral” as they propose to be.
Emotionally benenevolent = Highly content = high/in a good spot, however that changes. The Adaptation-Level Principle (subjective neutral point) argues that Happiness is relative to our prior experience.
So, I like your deffinion, Dan. That seems to be a good interpretation. =D>
Wouldn’t it be the opposite? I don’t know, I’m just asking. To be sober is to be objective, right?
Nah, I’d say the closest anyone gets to ‘objective’ is either through deep deep mediation or acid or something.
Tina Langer, University of Trier, Germany has done some interesting research on this. She says, “Evaluative conditioning (EC) is an experimental paradigm in which the contiguous pairing of a subjectively neutral stimulus with an affectively valenced stimulus results in a transfer of valence.”
What I think this means is that if you’re around a bunch of people doing the same thing and a stray element comes in doing something different, it will inoxenerably change the entire dynamic, making the people more like the stray element.
My friend has a screen name. It’s original goodfella. He smokes a lot of weed and is hardly ever sober (subjectively neutral) it could be said he is… ?
Any thoughts on an opposite term for subjective neutrality? Objective bias perhaps?
Hmm… let me dwell on this convergence for a while…
A Letter From a Real Live Doc!!!
Tina Langer responded to my email! She says…
“Maybe there are some other definitions for it [subjective neutrality], for example in biological science. Of course, being judged as neutral is often confounded with some kind of “sobriety” as you put it…”
So, my guess that subjective neutrality would mean something akin to objectivity from a certain perspective.
subjective neutrality = sober
objective partiality = influenced
Influenced sure, but by their own body. That is, influenced by sense data or material input.
I would hesitate to through objective in there though.
My goal is to make it clear that subjective neutrality can be used as an umbrella philosophy to encapsilate many other philophies into an all encompassing unit. I will atempt to show you what I mean by laying out, why I feel are appropriate schools of though that can be branched from SN and be shown to be synononymous with SN, in general. Saying one is subjectively neutral might then be a way of saying one is vaguely for a way of thinking that may be in opposition to a certain status quo, without revealing too much of one’s charcter, avoiding unnessesary arguements, like a stance of logical morality or some such antonymn.
I wish to make philosophy simpler and more accesible. So, here is what I had in mind…
[u]Subjective Neutrality[/u]
[i]The aruement for[/i]
synonymns: sober, serious, impartial, detached, telescopic, natural, free, immanence
schools: skepticism, cynicism, relativism, agnosticism, realism, humanism, pragmatism, existenialism
examples: adaptation level principle, temporal construal effect, unified field theory, theory of evolution, method acting, role distance
[u]Objective Partiality[/u]
[i]The arguement against[/i]
synonyms: dependent, warped, certain, aligned, microscopic, conformed, oppressed, transcendence
schools: possitionism, romaticism, absolutism, theism, idealism, dogmaticism, mysticism, positivism
examples:affectend valency stimuli, duals of dualities, mythos, intelligent design, partisan politics, role acceptance
I hope this is not too lengthy an explanation and does explains my thoughts to you well. Have a good day.