I was watching Superman Returns on DVD and it got me thinking.
Lex is very clever in his comment that Gods keep for themselves and stay aloof from the masses of men. Prometheous, who brought fire is therefore not a God. This is clever.
I also remembered how David Carradine in “Kill Bill” made an allusion to the Clark Kent/Superman relation. Superman to himself is just superman, but pretends to us as Clark Kent, which becomes his imitation of man, a charicature of us. yet Superman as Superman is also a creation, an exaggeration, stylized even in his speech. Perhaps it is done to best constrast off his alter-ego so that no one could bring them close enough.
But then you have Superman as he is seen by humans, such as Louis Lane. For example, among the characteristics reported is included that Superman could not lie…yet Superman does lie and quite frequently in order to maintain his own interest-- his secrets.
Mixed with the objective attributes were interlaced subjective desires in an idealization of Superman. He wore the cape, the “S”, the boots, inviting already a projection of other symbols that he in himself does not warrant.
Then I thought of how Superman had sat down and started to watch television and was flipping through the channels watching the news of war, famine and natural disasters etc, etc. He then went on to save people from accidents and extinguishing fires of every size. In this he reminded me of my idea of the Overman. His power resides outside the confines of everyday realities of life. He cannot end hunger, war, or give you a job or keep you from getting old and dying. His power is in the little things outside of life: Accidents and chance ocurrence. he can end things that in themselves reach an end. He can affect irregularities in the routine of life. He is civilization and the status quo.
Louis identifies him clear enough with a saviour figure and tells superman that we don’t need a saviour, to which he replies that he hears everything and that is what people really ask for.
What is the need for a saviour? Could it be that we want a saviour in times of chaos? That our saviour is like a ticket that says we’re immune to what must occur from necessity? Could it also be that we need superman so that we are protected from the Overman, from becoming, from change and culture…who represents this as well as Lex?