
there’s something ‘beyond’…some sort of afterlife…
aren’t we then just puppets of ‘something’?
like if we kill ourselves and that’s our choice, somehow that choice is not respectd by there being a ‘beyond’?.. :astonished:

have you ever heard the term “as above so below”, a common concept to concept of reincarnation is that our actions and feelings are caried beyond this life into the next. Many religions see the afterlife as simply another exsistance paralelle to our own, and we in turn shift between the two carryig over the contents of our soul.

essentually with this belief, the actions we take in life affect us in the world beyind as well. just a thought.

Dang, I’m gunnu make a thread about this, later on. … 8#post4558

Here is a few brief notes.

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Good to see you’re back. It looks nothing like your front. :smiley:
Suppositions about things we don’t and can’t know are what got us into this godawful mess of wasting precious time. Ethereal absolutes, existing in some other cosmos, are tempting to describe, especially if one has a beef about what is experienced here and now. But if I die with a smile on my face, it won’t be from contemplating the hereafter or the neverwas.

true :astonished:

Yes, but I’ve dealt with those people again. They’re not gone, they’re just decapitated. It’s like loosing an arm, but they loose a layer of form. Their soul is not “immortal”, and more often than not, the poor basterds are still dependant upon a planet, namely, this one…

“Imagine there’s no heaven. . .”–John Lennon

u r one of those poor bastards…remember? :confused:

I have read about those belief systems…and really, they don’t fullfil me intellectualy, I feel they are too… ‘‘this is what we want to hear though we know it’s likely not true, cause it’s too good’’.

sooooo… but then again, I just might not understand them…
what am I to strive for according to your belief system, dan?

According to my belief system, you should read about NDE documented experiences, and practice developing some sort of sensory extension, training, every day, and from things like these [real experiences], form your own opinions.

Depends what you call “heaven”.

There are, for example, trillions of planets, many of which, are better than earth. Are these “heaven”?

how are they ‘better than earth’? what are they ‘more’ like? what do they have that earth doesn’t…

I think it would be hard to find a world better than the “Big Blue Marble”.

  1. cf. the song “What a Wonderful World”

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see 'em bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, and dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow
so pretty in the sky
Falls also on the faces
Of people goin’ by
I see friends shakin’ hands
Sayin’, “How do you do?”
They’re really sayin’, “I love you.”

I hear babies cry, and I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

  1. Plus the fact that the Lord walked here.


what a wonderful world indeed…
and I’m going through hell, but still, life fuckin rox… :astonished:

What good is a better planet if we can’t get there? Heaven in Lennon’s song is the unreachable dream. Imagine a world in which dreams can be about things attainable! It could be here.

Suppose this life is a beyond of another, lesser existence. And if you kill yourself, you fall back to that lesser existence, because you didn’t know how to build with the bricks you’ve been dealt in this more difficult exitence. But if you conquer or construct a world here, you elevate to a greater beyond, a more interesting and difficult existence. Can you be your own puppetmaster? If not, you’re a puppet to chaos and the cumulative force of other wills in who’s radius of action you happen to find yourself, if so, you’re a puppet to your own will.