swimming aginst the current

we thus arrive at the image of a world -mosaic or cosmic kaleidoscope witch in spite of constant shuffling and rearrangements, also takes care of bringing like and like together [Paul Kemmerer
das gesetzderserie]

if one were to read this statement and take it at face value , then one must also take at face value the fact that it is also implying that some outside force is exerting some sort of influence on the “likes” to bring them together . I, while enjoying the idea this statement represents , do not wholly agree . Allow me to pose another statement to you which combined with the aforementioned will give me a chance to agree with this statement without believing in the idea it represents .

in every age the common interpretation of the world of things is controlled by some scheme of unchallenged and unsuspected presupposition: and the mind of any individual , however little he may think himself to be in sympathy with his contemporaries , is not an insulated compartment , but more like one continuous medium-- the circumambient atmosphere of his place and time .

now this statement , wich once again I do not wholly agree with , coupled with the other will give you a view (or me a view ) of what in fact I believe is the nature of things . once again it is implying that the world , no , the mind , life , is in some way undeniably connected . yet while the first statement suggests the existence of an outside force influencing the turn of the wheel this one leans more towards the idea of a group consciousness. Now while I do believe like and like find each other I am unable to accept that it is because some outside force steered the two towards one another . I do think though that yes , in some way life is connected to life.

Now if this were true then it would be a small step to the conclusion that like and like were not brought together nor is such an occurrence random but they themselves through this universal sharing of ideas brought themselves together .
while I do feel that the idea the second statement which I have presented is true the words themselves are not entirely . . while I tend to agree in the idea of oneness, I disagree that it is a controlling force , yes while every individual is aware at some unsuspecting level of this universal idea , not every individuals being fully accepts the common interpretation. some , not all , but some while still understanding it ( not fully is there ever full understanding?)reject it , and try , like a salmon forging upstream against a vicious current , to reach a place where they ( the individual) can spawn there own eggs of inspiration. It is at this “place” where one comes after much struggle , to the individual interpretation .

Now just because this mind has formulated there own conception of reality it by no means , means that they have become separate from the common sympathy, rather they have become more a part of it then ever . And also it would be arrogant in the extreme to believe that while they have come to a singular interpretation it is a unique one . and this brings me back to like finding like These bringing together of likes is not in fact some outside force but rather an effort on the part of the individual through use of these universal sympathies to find someone or something that which while not the same is similar .

Pcture if you will that you were in a crowded room, maybe a party or a gathering of some sort where there is a great discussion going on and for the most part everyone is agreeing with everyone else , everyone except for you , now there is for some reason let us say for the sake of argument that you can not leave . let us also say that you have tried to step in and voice your opinion but it has been rejected .Now three things can be done , you can either renounce your view whatever it may be and take up the opinion of the masses , close yourself of to that great discussion so that while you hear it you are not a part of it or you can take a walk around the room in the hope that maybe just maybe you will find another mind not caught up in the opinion of the masses and share your separate yet same interpretations and this is what happens when like and like come together.--------------------------------------