Technology's mistake->

is that the military gets all the money which is all converted into military tech,often distructive power.
oh woa!the atom bomb and the common cold!!! can this trend be stopped?!?! i mean with current trends,
would it in fact be safe to say that technology would blow up tha planet before it fixed all our problems!?!

you can argue rationality of scientists all you want but look at history and then realize
Bold)the bullys are still controlling the nerds!(bold

i know alot at this forum have faith in technology,and as such have thrown god to the side,
but someone please help me out with this. if you can.

(post typed when this forum was down for security upgrades,then copied and pasted from a notepad)

hi drift.

I understand your concerns about technology, and occasionally share them. However, I often struggle with the question of whether or not it is technology that is the issue, or the usage of it.

It seems to me that what we really ought to do is argue for the responsible use of the technology we develop, and responsible devlopment rather than attempting to stop the development technology full stop.

There are many redemptive factors in technology, and I don’t want to be trite, but surely using technology as we are now is at least somewhat positive?


Technology on earthy today is a devepment, advancement and expression of human desire.

The foundations of all inorganic development of technology was organic.
The foundations of all organic is the instinct.
The foundations of the instinct are the problems which the species must survive.
The foundation of the problems is an anti-ideal chaos.
The foundation of chaos is: rapid and unpredictable change.


Desire is the only problem humanity really has.
If you did not want anything, then you would be satisfied with anything.
Therefor human “problems” will NEVER end.

Wrong; Nerds control the world :slight_smile:. Bullies are autoshop mecanics, garbege men… etc…

i am in no way meaning that tech should be stopped! i love technology and am haunted by it’s flaws.(it stands to reason that it has flaws to)
why a dark side to everything!? when margarine came out,and a scientist tried to prove it was unhealthy,they desroyed her career.this i heard from someone, so i dont have a link to back up that story. maybe someone else heard of it? Tv’s have harmfull emitions,cell phones do(i dont know which is worse),cars have harmfull emitions,many artificail substances in food only harm us at levels we can only begin to understand…

the list goes on,and only laterdo we realise this dark side to almost everything we invent! how many knew about harmfull emitions when the tv was first put out? and drugs…well… i’m not even going to start about man-made drugs and what they do/have done to our world.

and about my earlier post:they say with all the nuclear weapons stored up they already have the power to blow up earth several times over. this statement is not a new is shocking and i’m not sure it’s true.

so it is the nerds that coerce all the money therefore scientific research funds onto the military’s lap?

“Freedom” leaves room for opposition.
Punishment is the only thing that stops one being from screwing the other.

That’s because they put quanity over quality!

Think about it.
People on earth have lots of freebirth babiez instead of eugenically working towards a hand full of superhumans.

Producing poison shit is easier and faster then the gradual, natural and most healthy products. Recycling is not as fast as the squandering of virgin resources.

Nukes can destroy a city, but they can’t actually split the planet.

When people say “blow up the world” they are talking about a drastic fuck-up of the atmosphere & things like that, so plants and animals can’t live anymore.

A classic case of power outpreforming intelligence.
When there is a war, you don’t have to persuade each soldier exactly why his country & government is wrong, you just shoot them dead instead.

Problems on earth get aborted and bipassed instead of repaired and solved.

Quick, fast, low quality, mass produced existence.

ouch!!! i’ve heard scary truths in my time,and this is no exeption.

Cheer up, it will all work out in the end.
It only had billions of minds and thousands upon thousands of years to fuck up and not succeed.