Temporal Statements

I find these interesting.

I was just sitting here, and a comment a teacher made in grade 7 just now made sense to me. See, I’m fairly tall, and always have been, and one time I was inquiring to my English teacher why they don’t say ‘hung’ instead of ‘hanged’ in instances, and he made some joke connecting my height, and ‘hung’ as in referring to genitals. I didn’t get it at the time, but now I do.

Have you ever said something, or been told something which made no sense at the time (and you, or the other party know it wouldn’t at the time), only to later have you or them realize the possible non-absurdity of the statement in question?

Obviously writers have done this for ages, but I am more interested in personal stories or experiences. Call this a discussion and research for me for something I am writing…

Did this teacher…touch you inappropriately? Show us on the doll :confused:

Let’s see…once I went to the movie Kingpin with my extended family because my cousin had a small part in it. She was really embarassed because she had no idea how raunchy it was. But anyway, we came out of the theater and I said, “Mom, what’s this mean?” and started to make the symbol for eating a girl out because it was in the movie a few times. My mom stopped me and said, “Don’t do that,” and my cousin, without missing a beat, said, “Yeah…don’t ever do that.” They looked at each other and lost it for about 5 minutes, with 11 year old me going, “Huh?”

Other things that came to me or other people I know randomly:

  • Whole milk does not mean 100%, it means 4%

  • Konigit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail means knight

  • Also from the same movie a ‘shrubbery’ is Medieval slang for a prostitute, so I’m sure they planned on not many people knowing that

Are any of these helping?

:laughing: =D>

Good! It’s stuff like this I’m looking for.

I did not know that. That’s pretty funny. ‘I arrange, design, and sell shrubberies.’ Haha.

^^ Yeah, our ninth grade English teacher taught us that one. He said the more you learn about Medieval history the funnier that movie becomes.