Maybe this sould be a rant but I would like a serious discussion. Please.
If this is an old topic then I am sorry. Just say so and point me in the direction of the thread. But…
Well I was listening to the Sean Hannity show mainly for entertainment value and he began ranting about how the 10 Commandments can legally be displayed on government property. His arguement was very poorly done.
He read someother guys writings about it and basicly the conclution was that in the past people in our government have made references to God and therefore they should have the 10 Commandments displayed. So I guess that also would include slavery because even though it is unConstitutional it was done in the past so that makes it ok. That is what I get from his arguement.
Second he made a reference to the phase “endowed by our Creator.” Ok lets assume that it is a reference to a god. But how does he know it is the Judeo-Christian god of the Commandements? “Creator” what a great word. Also Deist would be fine with this but the Commandments didn’t come from their God. How do we know that the founding fathers views while righting this. Why does America always assume the same god for everything.
He later said that one of the Presidents said that America will need religion to servive. Well look at many Presidential Quotes… do they all make sense and are true. According to this arguement if said so by the President then it must be so. Shit were fucked!!!
Last but not least why do we need the 10 Commandments displayed. Why not put the money somewhere more useful. Anybody who has half a brain will know that there will be a much money spent on the court stuff. Also the making of this thing would cost more than just a pretty penny. Why not invest the money in schools, road, and parks instead of this crap.
My point is that 10 Commandments can not under the Constitution be displayed on government property, and that there is no need for it. What is some dude on his way to court gunna read it and say “Oh so this is where it says that the murder I did was bad. Well better an invisable man saying its wrong that logic and reason.”
Thanks for you time.