I saw you in a magazine.
I saw your name.
And there was just enough info about your half-developed mind
That I could also have a foundation for
An intimate fantasy
Which was meant to provide an orgasm as quickly as possible.
There was another.
We newly met and wanted to have fun.
Luckily you’ve almost outperformed my girl friend
As she sucks in money and… other substances.
Wait a minute.
She fucked my friend.
Later I broke his car.
I need to purchase another toy soon.
One that smells or looks nice.
It doesn’t have to be human.
In fact, it would be more complex it if were human,
And that would require more intelligence to deal with.
Stimulation of any kind
Comes at a price
Which I am willing to pay,
Because I only live for my feelings.
I would die without my five dollar feelings.
But there’s plenty to be sold,
Sometimes at discount price.
I also have plants.
Plants make me feel happy.
I’m not regrowing a rain-forest,
Not that sort of plant.
I’m growing a better plant,
Which makes my brain happy.
I like to be happy.
It’s fun.
If I don’t consume the products
I will have nothing.
I want to be happy
And have more fun.
If I dare step outside of the fold
The ghosts of wondija will come into me.
First at the base chakra
Below my spine
Near my ass.
Then they fallow the other energy centers of the system
Until they reach the mind.
I don’t want to be exposed to their constant questions.
Highest mind and spirit
Can only be accessed through the base chakra
And all of the most basic carnality.
When silence screams
It makes a funny sound.
It’s kind of like a corpse
Buried underground.
When you look at it
It forces you to remember something.
There it is
In plain view
I need to get away from it.
It’s not good for my creator.
Golden sphere,
Shine and excite me.
Shrivel the frightful boredom
Which has come to forgive my addictions.
This all happened slowly,
And its too late for us now.
Shape up or ship out.
If you don’t fit in,
You’ll get shit in.
A baby,
Set on a conveyor belt,
Inspected by the product managers,
Wrapped up,
Set into a box,
Shipped over seas,
And set on display in front of society.
Shelved at the meat market.
Raw fuck
Or an expendable solider.
Does not
Look at your heart.
There is a price-tag stapled to it.
They plant you and grow you
In an artificial greenhouse.
Thank you for your business
Come again.