The 5th's Survey

This is a psychological test to determine your position in understanding of the natural world.

You live in a house with your wife and children.

1.Do you own the house?
2.Do you own the land the house is on?
3.Do you need currency to support yourself and your family?

Event A: You enter your house to see, your wife and children murdered, and the murderer… What is his punishment?
Event B: A man, with government power, claims your house and you’re forced to leave… Where do you go?

If you truthfully answered these questions you’ll notice there is not right or wrong.

  1. Is an example of your natural sanctuary.
  2. Is an example of the Earth.
  3. Is an example currency’s power.

Event A; Is an example of a natural/unnatural occurring event that you can not avoid, and how you will deal with it.
Event B; Is an example of a superpowers judgement, and the sacrifice you’re forced to make.

If your answers where (close too); Yes, Yes, Yes, Death & Redemption… You belong to a world ruled by selfishness, and the unwilling temptation to live more then necessary for survival. A rule in which The First Worlds obey strictly also known; The 4Th or The Consumers.

The 5th is the opposite of the fourth… Or the Architects of Man.

I appreciate the idea, but it can be quite a harsh world. I don’t know what you mean by selfishness, but I would say that a fair amount of selfishness and ego is necessary for anything that wishes to endure in this world.

Correct. The view of selfishness is weighed be its counterpart.
An example of 4th weighed into the 5th counterpart;

Three men sit under an Apple Tree…
The first man picks an apple, eats the fruit and plants the seed near by.
The second man picks an apple, eats the fruit and saves the seeds to plant in his garden.
The third man picks an apple, eats the fruit and destroys the seeds, even though he watched the first and second men actions.

The third man has obviously committed an act of selfishness, and even though he had the opportunity to choice the alternative. Such a harsh world…

I find it interesting but at the same time I don’t really see the point of this “test”. The only thing I can deduce from someone’s answers is if they know how to think, namely abstract thinking, or not.

The reason for this test is to show society’s stranglehold on the minds of its members.

A man that is made of current society will only realize society’s gifts.
A man made of nature will be able to slip between society’s gifts, and the natural boundaries of mind/earth.