The Absurdity Of Law.

The absurdity of law is basically this:

All you millions of people living in one place must play nice and cooperate with each other within a dense poplulation structure that is overcrowded.

There must never be any dissention. You must be civil in everything you do.


I don’t see anything wrong with that. Being forced to live with others will force us to care more about them.

The law is something above mankind only in language. It is made a noun for sake of conversation. It doesn’t exist as an entity that says you must do this or do that. It is we who decide how we should act, in order to achieve whatever end we think is good for ourselves.

Why should I care for others?

The problem is that such a narrow position of existence allows no exceptions or change.

Who is this we you are speaking about? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

You need to care for others so that they’ll care for you. We’re all inter-dependent on each other.

We the majority. :-({|=

Any why should I care about the majority? If the majority obstructs my becoming or obstructs any benefit to my life they can all die for all I care upon the agony of death into oblivion.

Their whiny ideals, perspectives, and preferences on life upon their own favor be damned.

What if you care for others but in return they have no care for you? What then?

Turn the other cheek? I think not. [-X

Then stop caring about them of course. Only care about the ones that return the favor.

I can do that. But then again what if the age and era we live in nobody cares about each other?

What if the age you live in is marked by complete indifference and impersonalism?

( Somthing like this wonderful post-modern industrial age we live in.)

No, humans will always have a need to care for each other. That’s why there is society.

Your interpretation. Not mine. :wink: [-X

I agree that the concept of human beings interdependant on social empathy is really kind of a facade. Look around. We just don’t care. It wouldn’t be prudent to say “hey stranger, come in my home and meet my kids.” Another potential (I venture “probable”) paedophile. Another potential six-o-clock news story.

We’ve begun a process which has gained too much momentum to realistically be stopped. It is the machine. It will one day overpower us, and maybe destroy us, and expand beyond our primitive conceptions. It’ll all in all be better. And that’s why you should support the degredation of the populace and allow our cloistered lives. No we’re not such a miserable rechid bunch . . . but we’re heading there, and something better will come out of it.

While I understand this attitude, which I believe is epitomized here in the U.S., chances are the random stranger you invite into your house is not a pedophile and will not bite you or your kids. However, people are convinced that random violence will befall them if they take this chance. You may as well win the lottery.

When people become as disconnected as they are in our over-populated cess-pool, then people start doing weird and violent shit. Joker is right. Laws are trying to enforce something that is bound to break.

Humanity is lucky to have American Idol to keep us in check… #-o


How do you know somthing better will come out of it?

Because it’s one of two directions. We kill ourselves off with nothing left, or we kill ourselves off (and something helps us do it) which simply performs better than us in general- and propagates just as (but better than) we did.

I have lost any shred of faith that “human beings” can become this utopian happy race- primitive or not. So I put my bets on something better that can come.

Besides . . .

Asimo is cute.

something “better” will not come out of it. You are touching on why Nietzsche was so nervous and why the overman is so necessary Joker. He is the one who prevents this total slimation of humanity from happening. But it seems very likely he will not come and humanity, at least quality humanity, will be destroyed.

You’re saying that our lack of faith in a quality humanity will destroy quality humanity?

If you believe it, it will come?

That is certainly what I believe.

I believe this world including our species is doomed which in some measure of thinking might make sense considering the understanding of infinite regression through all of existence. Everything must end.

Call me fatalistic I suppose.