The Academy

…nice selfcontradiction!

I’m attacking you because I find you to be less than adequate.

The truly tragic aspect of any forum is the group thinkers prowling the chat. Group thinkers does not care for logic and reason, but merely sees things black and white, it comes dow to if they like/dislike someone, then goes full balistic like puerile kids.

My points of critisism are very valid and will reach far above the mental aptitude of these allerged philosophers, why it would be wrong to call them philosophers as philosophy are “love of wisdom” which all so evidently disregard, but only care for a cozy chat where peace interlopers like myself are quite unwelcome to.

You should make an “Off Topic/Non Philosopy”-section where people like youself can hang out and have your idle chat.

You mean like you making this thread? lol

And the pattern repeats… We need a serious forum! And as soon as it it produced, then it’s “No, not that! That’s wrong! You people don’t understand!” Blah blah blah…

Tell you what, dufus, read and respond to the first two threads in the academy by Aum. Aum played by the rules and offered thoughtful observations and questions. They were thorough, correctly cited, clear and concise. Big surprise! Not one single fucking response from all you people screaming for serious philosophy. So put up or STFU. At this point, you have zero credibility. You want serious philosophy? Then get some skin in the game. Show us what you’ve got, big boy.

I’ve been very serious, but what I say is often counter intuitive, and I’ve got warnings for very silly things. Debating with ignorents is very taxing and it takes easily 5 pages to explain very simple and what should be intuitive matters that even teens understands.

Just take the case of Taoism enlightenment: Absolute Happiness. That actually eneded up in a duel which later got deleted, I guess because they realized that they were wrong.

  1. they didn’t comprehend the intuitive reason why a sales person should get more wage than the brewer.

  2. didn’t comprehend a simple graph showing that the removal of plane economy was the cause of the economy collaps in Russia, not the capitalism that replaced it.

  3. didn’t comprehend in general that communism is bad in every aspect, it is only beautiful rethorically, and has a great appeal to poor greedy and selfish people.

This sums up the general cluelessness and hopeless battle I fight against the endless ignorence, specially when mods promote this ignorent mentallity, and by that he constantly gives me a hard time when I try to say something intelligent and then I boil over and OH comes so willingly to give me warnings ad libitum.
There are many other such cases with OH, tragicly.

In above thread I wressel a philosopher who thinks he can claim and thereby prove he’s a man, which is complete nonsens, you can’t prove anything simply by claiming it in words, you need proof to convince people beyond reasonable doubt to prove your claim.
Faust doesn’t comprehend this very basic principle of law, which lawstudents learn as the very first basic rule. He even closes the thread and gives me a warning for trolling neither comprehending my initial question.

As I have stated many many times over, philosophy is love of wisdom, and modern western philosophy are based on logic and reason, which is based on factual knowledge and science, what people want is a cozy chat based on babble and nonsens based on glarig ignorence, devoid of basic scientific knowledge, therefore totally irrelevant to the real world.

Just look that previous puerile threads, there are no philosophy when I offer them improvements to The Academy, the only response is idiocy.

Dear tentative I know that you are a person whom I can reason with, byt trust me when I say that I have tryed for years to speak reason, done my very best to do philosophy exodinare, but it’s always teared down by ignorents and puerile people.

I remember that one, Drusus. Good times…

I’m not sure what you are saying.

Are you saying that it is good that you revealed that you are unable to comprehend very basic matters of law? And doesn’t understand the basic principles in philosophy?

I’m not sure what you’re saying. I think you’re saying that you “doesn’t” understand the basic principles of English grammar.

Yep. Just that people can comprehend what I say, so it doesn’t matter in the long run, contrary you.


Here is the view from my perspective: You make claims that are only opinion without any backing whatsoever. You are challenged by someone. Your response is not to defend or augment your statements but to attack the challenger with more statements that your opinion is readily apparent and needs no other support and that it is the lack of understanding of the challenger that is the problem. That isn’t doing philosophy, it is merely stating opinion and taking umbrage when confronted with disagreement.

Let’s look at your quoted example:

It isn’t that arguments both for and against couldn’t be made, but philosophical argumentation requires more than your opinion. Yours is not the only perspective in the world, and if you wish to make argument, you have to back your claims. Again, I refer you to the very first thread in the Academy by Aum. THAT is doing philosophy.

tentative what about ALL the other arguments? You pick only 1 section and are blind to all the other points which I have forwarded, that is no incement to make me bother waste time in the Academy.

Ummm… I didn’t pick ‘1 section’, you picked it as an example of your way of doing philosophy. I simply pointed out that it was opinion and not supported. You have indeed made other points in other threads and all follow the same pattern of unsupported opinion followed by denigrating anyone who has a different perspective.

You might want to consider the fact that unsupported opinion probably isn’t accepted as “doing philosophy” and perhaps consider changing your presentations if you are attempting to communicate in a positive way. The world is full of those who stand on a soap box on a street corner giving full voice to their opinions to all who will listen. Whether they are right or wrong is lost because they back their claims with nothing but more opinion. Philosophy requires a bit more than that. Consider the responses to your posts… how’s that working for you?

Those 3 points was unsupported yes, so be constructive and ask me to back up my claim with facts instead of being silly.

You speak as if the rest of the huge post never existed, which only overall makes your seriousness fall down to null and void. You are only trolling me, nothing else.

Post a well-argued philosophical piece in the Academy or somewhere else on this Site.

Show us your mojo. :smiley:

A great suggestion, but a couple of sentences of correct English seem to be beyond this guy so if I were you I would not hold my breath.

Here, this is as good as it gets, you see people doesn’t have the slightest clue and doesn’t realize that they only want a cozy chat, not actual philosophy. I try open their eyes. Worse, in the end a guy and the x-moderator Faust doesn’t have a clue about basic law, it’s really heartachingly!

You have started 3 threads including this one. None of them have been examples of outstanding philosophy on your part.



You mean excessive beautiful rethorics? …which cozy chatters demands?
…else define what “outstanding philosophy” is.

Outstanding philosophy would at least recognise that psychology is a quack racket that commodified the main purpose of philosophy - to help yourself and others attain ataraxia.