It’s like, you’re all either running around talking about how stupid Nietzsche was or seething with hatred and praying for the second coming- because that’s what you’ve gotta do. And the question is, why? Of course, the weirdo who made it that way isn’t going to be telling you the truth any time soon…
Yeah man, I know! I was getting my hair cut the other day after going to McDonalds and this overweight barber was telling me about Nietzsche and how stupid he was… he was like, ‘Nietzsche is stupid.’ I said, ‘What? I’m just here for the second coming man, I hate this shit. I pray for the second coming every night before I go to sleep, that’s if I haven’t cried myself to a stupor yet.’ Then I put on my iPod earphones and thought about football.
Then, when I was through and was looking for a hat to cover my godawful haircut, this hiphop dude told me how he thought Nietzsche was, in his words, ‘stupid’, and I was like, ‘No way man! Good thing the second coming’s soon, know what I mean? I hate life.’ Needless to say, the hat I bought was ruined in a week because I was seething with hatred, burned right through that 90% cotton - polyester blend.
After that, I was having my fifth bud of the day in a bar and this girl with fake tits I was hitting on said, in no uncertain terms, that Nietzsche was stupid! Literally, she said, ‘Nietzsche is stupid.’ I was like, ‘No way! I sure hope that asshole isn’t in heaven when I go there, know what I mean? After all, I hate this life and am wishing for the second coming.’
As we were driving home in my mustang which I bought with a high APY credit card, she told me, ‘You are so seething with hatred. I wish the weirdo who made you this way tells you the truth soon.’
I’m led to believe a large US button (ending ‘Inca’) has been pushed. Perhaps one of you guys could let me know for sure? Looks like someone dropped an upshot nuthole…
I went to Australia once, and they sent this khaki short wearing guy to fetch me at the airport. He rode on a brown jeep. He was all like, ‘ello mate, shall we have shrimp on the barbie? We got marmite.’ and I was like, ‘Dude, that’ll be wicked bro! But no thanks I just had a jif and jelly.’
Then while we were on the way to jolly ole Sidney there was this fucking Koala bear, jumped into the jeep! I was like, ‘Oh bro, this is hella nasty!’, but the croco dundy type of guy said, ‘Oy, it’s nothing mate just a lil’ ol Koala,’ and he fished in his pocket for some menthol leaves, and the fella ate it! It was interesting. I haven’t seen actual menthol leaves before.