The Anatomy of a Police State

The absurdity of defining ethical social behavior via a written Constitution
This hard fact is made real by the endless expense of trying to enforce it.

The trinity of Truth, Love and God, are one and the same and can only be known directly from within.

Although there is a foundation of common agreement based on the fundamental human values of sharing, working, courage, affection, creative expression and reason, together with the seven virtues that accompany social actions, the Absolute subtleties of Truth, Love, God, which continuously shift and change in Time and Space within the evolving social matrix, will always remain individually and inexplicably unique.

Nobody in history has ever been able to satisfactorily define or explain, in a universal sense, the meaning of the Trinity. Not via inspired Scripture or any rationalized treatise.
Endless “holy” wars, massive bureaucracies, legions of armies and policemen, back-logged courts and prisons over-loaded with law-breakers, have given increasing testimony to this ever since the first law book was ever penned.

There is not enough space in the cosmos that will ever be able to house a library that can contain the law books in which Truth is unambiguously defined via nay amount of clauses and all loop-holes closed.

Yet we have a multi-trillion dollar public education system and an even more expensive, bureaucracy, backed up by a huge legal and police system, trying to do just that.

Up to 80% of the budget of the average city is spent on trying to prove that we can govern human behavior via the rule book.

Though a semblance of peace and stability is sustained, ostensibly via this policed effort – most of that peace is because most citizens respond to the innate sense of goodness this is born in them If this was not so, no amount of regulation could forestall chaos.

Thus we live in a policed state, constantly supervised and legislated by endless new laws, from cradle to grave.

All that history of wasted effort and expense can change inside one generation – by moving from the current Head Start state-sponsored education program, which concentrates almost exclusively on left brain analytical book learning, to a more eclectic home-based dual brain Heart Start education program, which evokes in the individual psyche, an intuitive sense of social and spiritual ethics and the self-policed motivation to excel in each of the seven walks of life