The ancient druggie

I was just thinking about what it must have been like to be an ancient druggie. I can’t even fathom it. With no laws prohibiting drugs and no societal forces against it, the scene must have been completely different. Imagine a bunch of cave people eating some psychedelic mushrooms and tripping out in their cave. I wonder what they would talk about, being surrounded only by life and nature…

I imagine they invented God, and then argued over its existence.

Or, they laughed a lot, goofed on each other and told their friends the next day that they were trippin’ balls.

I like.

I wonder if they even laughed over or considered drugs a good time without the stigma of it being a silly thing to do.

I know drugs were used in ceremonial rituals often so maybe they had, even in recreational use, more of a serious aura.

You can probably take some clues from the Native American Indians.