the answer to the universe

I just finished the book “Gunslinger” by Steven King.

And in that book, the last section to be exact, King proposed an perspective on the universe.


he states that within each subatomic particle there are universes, and in those universes each subatomic partical is a universe and on and on. In a blade of grass that burns, molecules and such are changes and thus an infinity of universes are changed.

He also says that the finite mind can only grasp the concept of infinity not the actuallity of it. That the only way “god” could exist is if he defied size.

Because size is what confines you in reallity and in your place.

That we are all infinitly small and the multiverse is infinitly expansive…

so what do you guys think of this stuff?

Im not sure what I think yet…

It is a very interesting idea. Personally I think it is a bit too far fetched, but that might just be because I don’t really like the idea of every mollecule of myself being home to countless numbers of universes.

The idea that I am nothing but a spec inside a mollecule that is a tiny part of something infinitely larger is a scary one. If that was the case then perhaps it would mean that we have no meaning and there is no plan, if it never ends then how could there be purpose?

Hmm… I’ll have to think more about this one,
or just agree with Douglas Adams that the great answer to life the universe and everything is 42! :smiley:

the idea isn’t new, it’s good, but as hypothetical and unverifiable as the existence of a ‘god’

you guys have never seen animal house. Pinto,Otter, his girlfriend, and her english professor came up with that explanation while they were stoned out of their minds. Doesn’t exactly inspire faith in it, i think.

There is a theory that states that as soon as someone discovers the meaning of the universe, it will instantly vanish and be replaced by something even more inexplicable.

There is another that states that this has already happened.

Both theories are nonsense.

Dark Orphan wrote:

At this moment there are more foreign living organisms crawling either on, or in your body, than there are humans on this planet. Your intestine, for example, is home to some several billion Enterobacteriaceae (from the Greek word, enterikos = intestine) bacteria (of which E. coli is one genus present). These bacteria are crucial to your digestion, some of which manufacture vitamens.

Remember the old song from the 60’s - We are fam-i-ly, do-doo, do do-doo… :smiley:

Michael (and friends)

To quote most everyone ‘THATS NONSENSE! UTTER IDIOCY! THATS IMPOSSIBLE, STUPID AND JUST PLAIN IGNORANT’ I am sorry, I just thought that was funny, coming out of the mouths of supposed ‘philosophers’ when in fact nothing is nonsense for anything is possible. Anyone can argue against or for anything, but in the world of philosophy, these sides will never change because there is and never will be any proof that your right or wrong. So it is easy to say that someones wrong because it doesn’t fit conventional everyday ideas.