The arrest have begun...

Bella maryanonsky a 30 year legal resident of the U.S. was arrested
Tues, sept 19 for a crime committed in 1989, that in 1989, was
not a deport-able offense. She suffers from heart problems and
has been refused her medicine. She has been held without bail,
without charges being filed, without a “notice to appear” that
is usual in court cases. she is a legal American resident and
is due legal process. By the way, she has a high paying job and
has paid taxes, an upstanding member of the community. the arrest
begin. Soon it will be one of us and maybe somebody you know.


What was her crime Peter; the link isn’t opening for me.

No where in the “article” does it mention or state the actual recorded crime, which makes the validity of the piece questionable at best.

An inherent problem with internets “news” sites, as well as the media at large.

Yes, the internet seems to be the home of charlatans.

The link is not opening Peter.

I prefer to say it is the haven of the mendacious and meretricious.

Charlatans, generally, at least provide some entertainment value.

MY apologies. The story is on “the raw story” under
“legal U.S. resident jailed under new government program”

I have it as return to sender stumbles0928.html

If it fails, it is certainly my fault for technological incompetence.
Perhaps Google “Bella Maryanovsky”.
I also found the program listed on wikipedia as
“operation return to sender”

Again my apologies.


It opened for me. A google search found two blogs, and the company Bella works for, but no other news source.

From the article Peter Kropotkin referenced,

I thank you for your kindness in posting this
part of the article. My technical incompetence
sometimes is very frustrating.


umm isn’t being an illigal immagrant in and of it’s self a crime, hense the name illigal, and why those insupport of them are trying to change it to undocumented workers.

They are violating two federal laws by coming here illegally and working. That is, they are FELONS.

With regards,

aspacia :sunglasses:

“Questions are being raised about the arrest, detention, and treatment of a long-term Ukrainian [size=150]legal[/size] resident alien in Florida.”

Nothing like aspacia’s rushing to judgment!
I would aspect that a teacher would do the reading before answering.

There is zilch regarding the legal residency of the person arrested.

Now, who is the poster who needs to read before shooting off her illinformed, undereducated trap?

Keep on sticking you size 6 foot in your size 25 mouth raven it it amusing to see you squirm, become unglued and overemotional.

What a prat.
Without appreciation, regards, nor respect,

aspacia :evilfun:

What? Are you saying they aren’t entitled to rights aspacia? But we have to extend the kinder, gentler hand of appeasement to everyone, don’t we?

I mean this is Amerika, land of the herd, home of PC moron … how could we not just let them break the laws? They deserve to be here, whether or not they follow the laws … right? Or am I missing something?


That is why you should have pointed out that this case is not about illegals.
But you were too busy riding your favorite mule of the illegal immigrants ruining our country.


Yes you are missing the reason for them being here.
In one word ‘Slavery’.
Longer explanation would involve lazy Negroids and rights of SWT.

LOL, hilarious. Glad I know your stance. BTW, sarcasm is unbecoming.

Also, excactly why do you hate capitalism? I am really asking since you have become rich from this system??

With regards,

aspacia :sunglasses:



Count backwards from ten…10…take a deep breath…now exhale…now forget that raven responded to your post…what are you at? 8-- Why are counting so fucking slow? doesn’t matter…raven is gone…1…IT"S all GOOD.

And while you are counting put a list together about all the republican hypocrites who uses illegals.
And you might want to think of an excuse for capitalists to use explaining ‘free market’ and ‘closed borders’.

You might also want to think of an explanation about illegals voting for Bush.

What is your next big idea? Deport all, except Republicans?