One of the major themes of psychology that is the foundation of it’s entire premise is the assumption that the majority of the population defines sanity. It is this assumption that is it’s fetish in a sort of pathological way of interpretation.
It is this assumption that is very crude because there was a time in history where the majority thought the sun was a god hoisted upon a chariot of fire throughout the sky from dusk til dawn.
It is a rather crude assumption in that one point of history the majority once accepted that in order to bring about effective crops through a year of disasterous infertilization that hundreds would have to be sacrificed with their hearts torn out of their rib cages.
It is a rather crude assumption in that one point of history the majority perceived women to be witches and dangerous sorcerers of conjure that threatened the very bowls of society where they burned a great deal of people on pyres.
How we come to assume that the majority of people define that little thing that we call sanity is beyond my understanding.
Is normality and sanity merely definitions of self delusion in order to give off the illusion of order in a world built upon randomity? Ironically even til this day we still use such terminologies absurdly until nausea.
Amongst these past examples of history that I have listed here where the majority clearly were in a form of hysteria in one way or another even more today I can list modern examples of the majority’s absurdity.
Atlast I suppose the only thing we can learn here is that humanity’s perfection of denialibility has it’s practicality.