Hi all.
If the purpose of every living being is multiplication, and then to transmit knowledge to the next generation, I will argue about the actual fact in modern society, the role of parent, is no longer comparable to any other living specie known to us.
The modern society is designed to free parents from the burden of raising a child, this begins many times at age 0. Pre-school, or whatever the name may be, offers, to parents, the possibility to continue their lives, without delivering their knowledge to the children.
Thus the knowledge/values they will recieve will be standarized/cloned from very young age.
We became reproduction machines, without time/desire to make an original individual, reducing the meaning of our live, for our knowledge is no longer passed to our sons. This will, already has, hit the milestone where, the lack of original individuals shows the true result of mass knowledge delivered from schools/tv/internet: standard targets with the same weaknesses (like a clone).
Many parents no longer understand their children, much because they are not aware that they are no longer parents of that children. She/he will grow from a standard base, with values that focus the consumism, generating hollow individuals.
Details like, reality concept, have already been long discussed by Baudrillard and Debord. Society has indeed become a spectacle. Much because of this mass/cloned knowledge, that is being over and over deployed to children, in order to make them the new product consumers. Parents already do everything they can to make children stop screaming in the mall because of a toy, shirt, etc. They do it by the fastest/worst way; they give the children what she asks, just to stop the problem.
The entire scenario may like the ‘Matrix’ vision. The purpose on mankind is no longer to reproduce, support until adult age, and pass life experience knowledge. That is already taken care by others, who are rather inocent.
We are already machines, producing consumists.
PS - Forgive any misspelled english.