It is almost more mind twisting to look back then forward in terms of space and its bounderies or lack of same. Instead of trying to figure out if space ends etc, someone please comment on how it began. Don’t know???Where did or how did the very first particle of matter originate. For you guys or gals who think there was a bang, I ask you… WHO WAS THE BANGER??? WHO OR WHAT CAUSED THE BANG, AND WITH WHAT ENERGY. THERE HAD TO BE ENERGY TO MAKE A BANG.WHEN I HERE A BANG I SAY WHAT WAS THAT. YOU DID NOT HERE OR SEE A BANG OR HAVE ANY TINY BIT OF EFFIDENCE THAT THERE WAS A BANG. THERE MUST BE SOMETHING TO MAKE YOU THINK THERE WAS A BANG. FROM MY PERSPECTIVE THERE WAS NO BANG. AS LONG AS YOU HANG ON TO THE BANG THING YOU WILL GO IN CIRCLES. ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU ARE GOING TO GET AND ELEPHANT FROM A BANG. A HUMAN BEING FROM A BANG. DO YOU KNOW HOW COMPLEX YOUR EYES ARE NOT TO MENTION EVERY OTHER ASPECT OF LIVE ON THIS PLANET AND THE FINE BALANCE WHO BALANCED EVERYTHING TO HUM ALONG IN HARMONY. THINK??? Do you really think this entire incredible world banged into existence. If atheism is the driving force behind all the ideas I see, then I can assure you there will come a point when you have to pull your hair out and give up. I guess it is fun to contemplate but we must surely be so brilliant as to quickly conclude that we will never have the answer as long as we are in the same form and shape and possess the limited brain power. There is a truth to the whole question. the problem is the human brain. The problem is not the universe. The problem is YOUR BRAIN, THE ONE THING THAT WILL NOT FIND THE ANSWERS TO THE UNIVERSE.
You must know that before you even attempt to go in the other direction with your wonderings. Something must have always been, or a force or intelligence created it and that force or intelligence was the begining and was always in existence.