The Best

Full earth births enlightenment
as a crock and front
to water
who flows regardless of any damning.
Rising to the star’s question
that reverberates in
simple circles
speaking in a Babylon of voices
focused on a me
seeing I to I
Death is the silence we seek
This cessation is our present
for a lived life.
Bardo Allah made friends with a Sufi Jew,
they laugh to the songs of
Rumi hidden algebraically in an old testament
fashioned by the kings’ of
dominance so as to preserve
the minds of liberated women who
seek a monthly solace
in the moon.

When a child dies
a woman is born
and a woman is made semi-conscious
from hitting her head on glass ceilings.

A bird trying to fly into my living room died from
confident contact with my sliding door.
She wouldn’t want the air-conditioning anyways.

Cosmological inch
how repeated and unoriginal.
The celebration is now passé,

excuse me.

I like this poem (and the skyscraper one too) even though I do not fully understand it, nor believe it to ever be fully understandable, but that is quite understandable when dealing with you. Loved the wordplay as well, Alexis.

Though, as sexy as alliteration is - and I don’t deny that it can be - confident contact, just seems to be too out-of-place in the context of this poem. All of a sudden you get lyrical? Why? When talking purely about poetic effects . . . err… it just seems forced, and anoying. And anyways annoys me more than anything - can’t give you a reason on that one, the word just makes me cringe. Probably due to having the word remind me of highschool and middle-school where it was thrown around so much (shudder).

Ah, wait . . . re-reading it, I now see myself as quite the fool for being so myopic. Maybe it’s my male mind, who knows?


You are an exquisite creature Alexistentialism.



Probably due to having see myself as quite more than anything
I now the fool thrown around so much for being so myopic.
confident contact, remind me of highschool and In talking purely can’t give you a reason

Maybe it’s All as sexy as alliteration is - the word just fully understand it, in the context

Why? even though I do not like my male mind, the word middle-school makes me cringe, where was it , who knows? I quite wait . . . Though, and I don’t deny it nor believe it to be too out-of-place and anoying.

Ah, re-reading it effects . . . the wordplay as well, on that one,.
of a suffen you get lyrical? about poetic err…

to ever be fully understandable, Alexis. Loved
that it can be is understandable but that anyways annoys me -.

when dealing with you. -(and the skyscraper too) one just seems forced,

And this poem just seems of this poem.

forced? I force myself to write sometimes. its true, i confess.

Yea. . I’m a buffoon, really - don’t listen to me. I’d find flaws in Van Gogh’s Sunflowers.

I am grateful for your writing, forced and otherwise.