The Bible Manual: a Users Help guide

The Bible Manual- A Users Help Guide: Knowing how to stop and deal with all the design flaws, errors and malfunctions in the Universe Design Model 0000, which occured after its creation due to certian quirky hicups unintended by the designer…but in actual the fact the universe now functions as a dysfunction and so this dysfunction should really be seen as the nature of the universe itself since it turned out that way…but seen as The Designer accepts an element of accountablity this manual has been provided …and now sentient beings must continually apply the manual to life in order to live accordingly within the flaws design faults and errors inherent within the system. (Or, in short: THE GOOD NEWS BIBLE!)

There are several components missing in the universe which has inevitably meant that several errors of design are now inherent and intrinsic within the universe planet earth and human nature. These flaws are potentially fatal and will most likely result in the entire destruction of the humanity, the earth and the universe.

For information on how to address certain aspects of these multifarious errors, malfunctions and design flaws please see The Bible Manual, which brings solutions or part solution to the design flaws inherent in everything and everyone.

-The Designer offers sincere apology for the trouble caused and apologies for not redressing these issues sooner, and in more practical fashion i.e. upon the initial creation of the universe. The Designer insists that the craftmanship should not be put under scutiny and that any attempt to do so would be a gross violation of The Designers Competence act, passed in accordance with certain flawed laws in the year 0000.

Any complaints should be directed to the Manual.

Thank for your time.

“God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through.”
-Paul Valery