Truth! People die for it. People strive for it. Yet, it is all different. We all claim to know it in regards to some topics. We say it is an objective being, yet it seems it comes in as many multitudes as there are individuals.
So, this being said, what is your Truth? And why is it so? Would the world function better if said Truth was the final answer? Or would it destroy it?
Yes, I have read not a single one of your posts…I was actually referring to the other members of the board since I am more than vaguely aware of yours. Thanks for presenting yourself as a bit presumptious. =D>
Do you want me to engage in this? You really want my Christian truth? You want me to explain how this world we be better if we lived like Christ? It should be self explanatory, but for now I have bed, tomorrow I will go into detail.
You are becoming quite wrought with disrespect. Do you “know” God? Can you tell me what color hair he has? Than how is it you “know” what you are talking about good sir?
Lol, disrespect? I said usually. I’m not directing attacks here, THEY AREN’T FORSURE TRUTH ARE THEY? So what do you have to get upset about then?
Do I know God, yes, we had brunch this morning. Hair color? Can you tell me what hair the stars, planets, moons, trees, have? Can you tell me the hair color of the wind?(starting to sound sorta like a pocahontas song)
But lets simply say, no matter what I say, it won’t matter to you, this is just a rhetorical question.
I am not upset but rather amazed that someone who claims to be pious would attack someone whom the forum generally respects. You are becoming a nuisance with this Absolute thing though. I fear you have taken upon the idea like a tick and just keep sucking it.
Whatever you wish them to be. But in essence I believe it would be Iron atoms for the stars, planets welll that depends entirely on the planet, moon, and trees would prolly be mostly H2O.
Once again you act as if I never respond to you. Have I hurt your feelings?
The tick is only sucking because you haven’t removed it yet.
Never respond? You always respond, why would I act like this? I’m just pointing out what good is it for me to say anything to you if don’t believe in anything, let alone truth. I could give biblical representation, but you believe it’s false. You ask a question you know I can’t answer, this is why I act this way, I have good intuition you will reply to this post, don’t worry.
How do you know ideas exist as truth from your stance?
You may think you have, men who believe in themselves are all in lunatic asylums as Chesterton put it.
What have you disproven of mine? No, better question, How can you disprove something of mine if you don’t believe in proofs? You are still being hypocritical.
I don’t believe I am flawless so what does this have to do with me? If anyone it is you who “knows” therefore perhaps we should fit you for a robe and gown?
Show me where I claimed to have proven you wrong. You should really desist from that bad habit of making up peoples minds for them.
What if your ideas are misleading, or pointless? It’s fine to have ideas, but think what this world would be like if everyone discussed every Idea they could think of, we’d be in mass chaos, somewhere you have to draw the line between an idea and a solid truth. Even in math, a conjecture can be refuted as false, if it can be proven, it is then a theory, but that is basically a truth until it can be proven false.
I know I’m not flawless, and this I know, i’m not unsure. What’s wrong with me knowing? You know to, you just don’t want to admit it.
I’m not sure I have the time to go back and look at every post in which You’ve claimed to have proven me wrong, but the latest one I can think of is you saying you’ve burned and disected the tick, weren’t you implying you disproved me here? If not what did it mean?
My truth? Right now, it is 11:24P Indiana time,and I’m online typing my reply. I am wearing pajama. And that’s the truth. My truth is not your truth for you are not here with me.
Truth change, isn’t that what Heraclitus said? Everything change. Truth is what I experience and realize at this very moment, not yesterday for yesterday was gone, and not tomorrow for it is not yet. Truth is now.
Science is not the truth for it change all the time, ex. pluto is not a planet anymore, what we learned as children are not applicable at this time, etc.
Mathematics might be the truth.
Who is to say matters of spirituality are misleading or pointless? And if people discussed these ideas instead of fighting over them we wouldn’t we be better off?
I meant that I have grown annoyed with your focus on one section of my body (aka idea) and you are so involved with that one section you are ignoring the broader picture. By what I said I was refering to my other points and ideas which was my metaphor for burned etc.
I like this statement Justly. Simply asking why you do you think Math is truth? I was one of those kids who did not do well in literal mathematics but love theoretical.
I like this statement Justly. Simply asking why you do you think Math is truth? I was one of those kids who did not do well in literal mathematics but love theoretical.
Why do I think Math is truth? It seems perfect. Study yourself. Man is the subject of knowledge. You have the numbers 1-9 in yourself. Yourself is one, your navel, etc . 2: eyes, nosetrils, ears, even the one mouth has the upper and lower lips, arms, legs, atria and ventricles of the heart. 3: (head, body, lower extremities) (cervical, thorax, lumbar) 4: 4 chambers of the heart (2 atria and 2 ventricles), etc. 5: (head 2 arms 2 legs) 5 fingers of each hand, etc. 6: digestive system, circulatory system, musculoskeletal, nervous, etc. can you think of 7 or 8. 9: body openings: eyes ears, nostrils, mouth, rectum, urinary opening.