the big gamble? … e=Homepage

Above is an assessment of the “big gamble” that Boris Johnson took a few weeks back. And look at him [and Britain] now.

Now we are just a few weeks away from seeing the results of Trump’s gamble here in America.

On the other hand, from what I’ve read, Trump really has far less power here to impose his will on the country. That resides basically in the state and local governments.

But suppose Trump did have the power to order an end to “social distancing” across the nation. Suppose he could command that the economy be fully “reopened” on Easter Sunday.

Shudder to think?

This collusion upon which the gamble is raised, in poker term, the stakes are getting enormous.

On one hand, the social distancing is at once a real positioning for a new, t idea that a capitalistic system of Democracy can not survive, in Trump’s mind, then the opposite.

The Great Depression is connected to this period in time and space, as the World Wars were actually a continuous battle in this regard, failure now, to get people together in a social system based on the. capital model ; would admit defeat, and the Obama-Biden socio-economics would destroy the continuum, the transcendental object produced by a pure Kantian-Hegel synthetic dialectic.

The material dialectic of the left, would result in an unprecedented conflict, where the transcendental’s objective criteria would dissolve it, in the kind of nihilistic non objectivity, that would foreshadow, social disintegration, within -norms-without the transcendental struggle.

That this struggle, would maximize it’s capital accumulated values, and catapult it into a general nihilism, the kind adhering to You, may socially devastate and bankrupt the system socially, before tanking into another great depression.

That could only restore continuum by the usual resort to projecting outward the internal struggles, and a new world war result.

There is no way, that can be allowed, that the general public can again only understand only the disassociated madness that a non objective set of criteria can present.

And that really would be the only way, since a materially objective give set of criteria, can never satisfy the maxim: of distribution according to one’s contribution: in a relativistic preset world of non exclusive sets.

The information era, that pre and post determine a synthetic present, is a supposed to ground in that simulated unity: vis. - the end of history. This idea brings to mind the general anathema of a social nihilistic state of mind in the Capital of of social democratic organisation.

It is the Captalism of social organization that is failing, that is why the big gamble of taking the social risk of suspending social distancing, while offering rewards through the stimulus.

What is incomprehensible slack that needs to be filled, cannot concievably be taken up by a population who understand political and legal reality within exclusively set demarcations. Threfore, simulation has colluded with interpretation upon various model versions befitting a desirable synthetic present.

This seemingly incoherent and long inquiry does venture into the gamble which really presents an end of the political world as we know it, and it will be just like Aldous Huxley predicated it, Big Brother will need to oversee society , so that ‘It’ doesent destroy It’s self in toto.

In fact , the process is in place, and there really is no exit from an existential point of view.

“The White House’s coronavirus task force, led by Vice President Pence, is preparing to issue revised recommendations from the president to the public once the current 15-day guidelines expire Monday.”

That’s this Monday.


1] how far will Trump go?
2] does he even have the actual power to enforce these new guidelines?
3] how will others react?

I’m thinking maybe he will choke.

“When Sen. Lindsey O. Graham called President Trump last Sunday, he delivered a blunt message: If you reopen the nation’s economy too early against the advice of public-health experts, you will own the deaths from the novel coronavirus that follow.”

Among other things, we’ll see.

Yes, we will see. However it is again timely to revert to the collusive effects of locking everyone down into a dysfunctional state of relying on social support, the exact beef that liberals are trumpeting for under normal cut instances. And if the illness gets worse, even apart from social distancing, and people accepting a new norm , the bleakness of a depression will return with a vengeance ; literally and figuratively.

For lets say, people unaccustomed to unlimited leisure, will become gradually dysfunctional, the same way as moribund, inactive people will loose muscle tone.

There are people, for example, who can’t retire, and a lot of them pass after a few years for lack of activity.

They will in time loose their muscle tone, both in body and mind, and regress into lower order conflict , supported by lower order defenses.

Failure of a dynamic interpersonal solutions, will necessarily create the kind of international disintegration, that no AI can solve, a part from higher order programs of international disorganization to lower .

Man’s inability to comprehend the accumulated forces of retaliation may then necessarily unleash higher order conflict.

In addition, the Federal Reserve can only go on printing currency, trillions of dollars whereupon other trillions will be demanded to support society.

On the other hand, a new dark ages may be around the corner, where lawlessness will destroy any sign of a once proudly beheld civilisation, even without a gross breakdowns of international relations. Every corner of every state will change to a wild west scenario , where every man has to be on his own policeman.

The Trump initiative, may see this as unacceptable, and choose instead the maxim: 'Only the strong survive, meaning self sustaining people, with paid up liens upon their homes, with well stocked food reserves, and classy shelters built to withstand even nuclear attacks which could easily follow such dark scenarios.

They could lock themselves away, behind steel bolted doors, and wait out any extended Mad Max scenarios.

The illogic of .9999999=1 would never have to enter theit picture, since inflation would devalue any big differences between cost and availability that were to occur.

In the Brave New World, the pauper millionaires would be considered the lower ledge, and the upper trilliinaires would despise the upstarts with only a few billions.

Remember this is strictly ironic, but a somewhat milder precedent occurred in post world war I Germany, where paper currency to the tune of tens of thousands of Reichmarks had to be toted away on payday , in suitcases. And this was a time where the only illness was political insolvency.

THE real danger is in a wild corruption which follows losses in value, giving simulation as real foundations of creating meaning.

I am always astounded as to how anyone could see a NWO, in terms of going back into the good old early 1900 version of American Capitalism, where, infinite optimism lead , for people of Trump’s caliber, to proclaimactions of making America great again.

I do not think Trump or any of his fellow oligarchs, would ever need loose sleep over this, And that is really a mild recurrent theme that entered the stage of human consciousness: when ‘HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN’ became prevent.

This bug HAS TO BE BEATEN, or the rig is up.

The gamble has reduced to the metaphor: TO BE, OR NOT TO BE, becomes the question, irrespective to relating to mere existential artifacts:

Civilisation has been built on a thin veneer of intellectual muscle, and yet, such are the only bastions against a new age of barbarism…

Yes, we will see , and there is only 1 way to look at it, and that is the absolute necessity of a cure and a vaccine.!

A scene from New York:

… Removed for an afterthought .