The blind and foolish world:

I’d like to reduce my posts to aphorisms.

“I have come to the conclusion that the system is run by strong desires, and that strong desires are blinding.”

Please think about that for a moment.
It explains why humanity is so stupid.

What brought about the desire to resort to making pithy statements versus a regular response? :laughing:

People talk too much.

They spew out un-filtered, low quality mush.

Why not pithy efficiency, instead?

Humanity is not stupid, so the aphorism is flawed.

Ever desireless one can see the mystery
Every desiring one can see the manifestations.

  • Tao Te Ching



Have thought for moment - maybe correct.

Won’t elaborate.

Will respect wishes.

Dan is right, humanity is STUPID AS A BRICK!

History has already proven this.

Humanity is stupid? Compared to what\who? You\God\Objectivity?

Mankind is enslaved to itself.

Compared to History of course!

We are evolving and obviously if you judge humanity from the history, we will appear less intelligent ( I reserve the word stupid for the 21st century religious fundamentalists. Our ancestors are just ignorant not stupid). A Homo erectus would have had been more intelligent than the Australopithecines and a Neanderthals than a Homo erectus, a 21st century human than a 20th century human.

alas, bricks that are oppressed by eggs are not stupid…


all the king’s horses…

-Imp … =evolution

If we are going to ever be able to have a decent argument, then you atleast have to have your facts strait.

There is no fossil evidence of a prehuman species.

I’d like to clerify.

“Humanity is stupid” – was not part of the aphorism within brackets, it was a side-comment.

“I have come to the conclusion that the system is run by strong desires, and that strong desires are blinding.”
I was exclaiming that the earthly system is very one-dimensional.

Was “life” ever not all about eat,fuck,sleep?

I would like to remind you that a small amount of knowledge can often be more destructive then a complete lack of knowledge about the single subject. Why?
Premature action based on only fragmented understanding.

“Stupidity” and “wisdom” are questionable conditions existing within the realm of applied capacity, not mass.

Someone with high IQ is still capable of being an idiotic fool or a mad man.

It is strange that you should say that. There ARE fossil evidences for the pre-human or hominid species. Check this link for example.

I am trying to watch the video you mentioned but haven’t watched it fully. It is hard to watch these pseudo-scientists and their quackery.

Chimps don’t count.

It’d be hard to read this all.
Videos are so much easier.

If you want to point me at something specific, plz say so.

I’m just scimming through…

1620cc. vs 1350cc. ?
neanderthalensis was smarter then modern man?

No, but because of his size, the brain was also bigger.
I’m pretty sure elephant’s brain is also bigger than human’s.
Also, there are lots and lots of fossils predating humans, and humanoids. Just spend several hours on wikipedia instead of watching these stupid scientists wannabies who just want some attention and get lots of money for selling books for those who can’t live without some moronic conspiracy.

So intelligence is not really a question of brain size, ey?

And the smaller headed, less evolved humanoids may have still had an equal level of intelligence? Or what?

Brain size is not directly proportional to the intelligence of that animal. Sperm whale has the largest brain among any species in the world (six times larger than the human). But still, it is not sending space crafts to Mars nor sequencing it’s own genome.

The size of the brain in humans is constrained by the pelvis dimensions of the women. A larger brain requires a larger skull to encase the brain. If it is too large, it will be difficult for the women to give birth to and may result in the woman’s death.

Yes, it is quite possible that the smaller headed, less evolved hominids have had an equal level of intelligence given that they existed (similarly evolved) around the similar time. For example, the Homo floresiensis (or Hobbits) discovered in the Indonesian island is believed to have co-existed with Homo sapeins. This hominid is very tiny compared to an average modern Homo sapeins but still had a similar sophisticated tool use.

Intelligence in hominids has developed slowly during the evolution over millions of years: Australopithecines (4.7 - 1.7 million years ago) - > Homo erectus ( at least 1.5 million years ago) - > Neanderthals* (few thousands years ago) → Modern human (21st century).

*Neanderthals is not our ancestor but shared the same ancestor as us (Homo erectus) and were an evolutionary deadend.

I repeat what I am defening.