The burden of proof

Hi Liquidangel,

It is the incarnate “Word of God” that ‘proves’ God, but scripture is the seed.

I feel we understand each other.


Hey Bob,

Yes we understand each other. Amazing, I go through life experiencing certain truths in my contemplations and realisations and then I open a scripture, any one and find it written. Interesting how I seem to only really grasp - in the real sense - the truth in the scripture when my heart is already there.


Hi A

I’ve heard it said that the true teachings do not teach you anything new but instead allow you to remember what has been forgotten.

thanks bob!

I can agree with that and uccisore struck a chord in JT’s thread that he started that was along similiar lines as this thread (the survival of the ego.)

That emotions strike a chord vs materialism… While I think that is true for all, the people who the ability to continue to fill their id with objects never come to realize what they are searching for.

People like Mother Theresa let their ego fall to the way side.

Another brilliant modern example would be ghandi.

I think it’s awesome finding the meaning of life in pop tunes. well SOME of them at least. Some times you have to search outside of the mainstream to find something that you connect with… Sometimes it’s a movie like Gladiator. The moment when he touches his dead wife’s feet with his face is heart wrenching.

It’s moments like that, that make you realize what is important in life.


I think that the only way to find god is to first find ourselves. Only by finding ourselves can we truly begin the search for god. Of course when you find yourself you’ll also find the meaning and purpose within your life. such can be found within.

Now that I’ve seen the last four pages I’ve got to come to a conclusion myself.

I think “god” is the glue that we ignore. in short if we were truly connected to god, we could be like the flock of birds that turns in unison.

To find god is not to search within yourself (though you need to find yourself to not confuse your ego with god.)

You have to look outside yourself. When I was young I had some interesting meditative sessions where I saw myself looking down on the earth.

as for the burden of proof for god, had I been asked? i would’ve said the moon. without the moon earth would’ve been like mars.


Hi Dr Krankenkopf,

My son’s favorite quote: Bad always wins because good id dumb.

What I do not understand in the attempt of proving a god exist, is the attitude.
Why do you have to prove it at the first place? You believe it, be happy with it. You can talk about it, write about it, let others know what you believe in, but what is the urge to prove it. After you prove something, you don’t have to believe in it anymore, it becomes fact (what will be questioned and reevaluated).
Otherwise the burden of proof is on the side of the initiator, especially when the others ain’t have a clue about what the proposal is.