The Christ and the Power

Well let me tell you something. It’s been almost 100 years since you declared open war on Zionism. I hope you don’t think we have been sitting idly.

Suicide by Jew. I hear it will become quite popular.

Sorry, you mean “the only reason anybody knows about Christianity?”

Protestants. They want someone else to do the heavy lifting and then take the credit.

That’s what I always found most puzzling about protestants. There is only one reason you know about this thing that changed your life and you say is the most important thing in your life with no close second, and the way and the truth and whatever, and yet you call what brought it to you evil. Are you all dumb?

Christ was a carpenter, right?

When He returns, I bet He could up 4 walls by the time it takes you to tie your boots and finish your first frame.

If urwrong is a true communist, he’ll tell u he doesn’t waste his time with the silly, imaginary ideological wars of the bourgeoisie and their ‘religions’, Pedro.

Let’s see how he answers.

Oh really, criticizing Der Yuden makes me a Communist? Interesting…

Protestantism goes all the way back to Christ’s disciples, who wrote down, preserved, and spread His Word, which became essential in the Roman Dark Ages, when the Catholics outlawed Christian “Heresy”.

The Romans were those who Crucified, remember. The Catholics have been corrupted by Anti-Christs throughout the Centuries. Catholic loyalty is pulled in two directions, to the Roman Imperator and to Christ.

Yet you cannot serve two Lords.

“Christ was a carpenter, right?”

The gospel of jaruthus has him as an HVAC maintenance tech, but this is questionable for several reasons, not the least of which they didn’t have HVAC back then.

The Roman bourgeois were the first ones to twist Christ into their own tool.

I do not tolerate bourgeois moral hypocrisy, yet I admit that I do not have as much love for the poor as Christ did.

Communist charlatans are worse, to pretend to care about others, or to put others ahead of yourself, when you really don’t care.

That’s why both brands of hypocrisy, of the Left and Right, are disgusting. I do sympathize for those born without a mother or father’s love though, the unwanted homeless on the street, who have only been fed hate, contempt, pity, and disdain their whole lives. The Wretched, I certainly do not have the spiritual strength to take the poor onto my shoulders, as He did.

“Communist charlatans are worse, to pretend to care about others, or to put others ahead of yourself, when you really don’t care.”

No those are welfare state capitalism social democrats ur talking about, not communists.

The last communists to walk the erf were the Bolsheviks, during the time when men were men and didn’t wear goatees and dresses at the same time (like Addison). This was an age of giants, of real politics, when the fate of the erf was in the balance.

Today it’s all shinnanigans.

Yes uwrong, fascists are communists. Read Mussolini’s memoirs.

Antisemitism is a protestant thing, and communism, including nazism andd fascism, is nothing more than a protestant branch.

There was not extra-Catholic Christian tradition, except the Orthodox, until well into the late middle ages where Catholic priests started inventing the different protestant branches. You are an idiot.

Shit, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Hey Uwrong, why don’t you ask promethean here about Hitler and Mussolini? Get your eyes opened?

The Capitalist Parasite, the Jewish Zionist Banker’s Cabal, all the same shit.

All the products of weak minds looking for someone to blame for being failures.

Sure, let’s hear it…

This is the extent of my Cynicism, albeit not enough to be ‘Communist’:


You’ve changed, brotherman.

Prom, I leave the floor to you…

You seem ignorant as to the extent of Catholic corruption.

Travel back to 600 AD and tell me how innocent and goodly the Catholic priesthood was then… be my guest.

Crucified Christ, outlawed His teachings, tortured countless illiterate protestors (the true Protestants), and then claimed Priesthood to God.

Actions speak louder than Words though, which is why Christ reigns King Eternal.

Catholics only perfected baptism of Roman bourgeois corruption, the greatest money launderers on the planet.

White garbs and robes to hide the blackest souls underneath.

That said, I do believe some Bishops have true hearts. Politics and Faith don’t mix kindly.

I have enough criticism to go around, concerning religion and it’s disdain of Christ.

If I had enough Theological interest, I would be inclined to trace the lineage of Christ’s disciples to see how far they went, and which Churches today actually resemble what Christ stood for, oh so long ago…

What does it mean To Protest, theologically?

It means to reject the corruption of Earthly authoritarians, totalitarians, dogmatic theocrats, and the like.

Especially those to claim to care for the masses, yet only serve themselves. Christ represents Action, not Word.

To extend your hand to the Lepers, before speaking and virtue-signaling. No witness is wanted, for Good to exist.

Yeah, like that the Catholic and Orthodx churches were the only ones talking about Jesus for 1000 years. And are the only sources of actual Christian tradition, including any and all scripture.

Here we agree, though.

With he exception of the US Constitution, where “God” doesn’t stand for any particular religious tradition, but just the very fact of God, and that to no one else are owed the Rights of US citizens.

You do realize Catholics outlawed interpretation of the Bible outside their priestly anointment, for Centuries, right?

The European masses were kept in the dark, intentionally illiterate, so that they could not resist or rise-up against the Pope.

Is that not corruption of the highest kind?

Why do Americans have Free Speech as our First Amendment?

Coincidence? Or, did not the colonial Puritans, Protestants, know firsthand about the depth of corruption of political order??

What does Freedom of Speech truly represent, how many hundreds of years, how many Millennia now?