what do you believe? (just shutup and vote you know you roughly fall into one of these)
- jesus was probably a logical, correct philosopher just like Future Man. he said a lot of correct things. he has very little to do with christianity
- most christian dogmas are ok, even if they provide no verifiable benefit to earthlings
- all the dogmas of the bible and any of the infallible popes are true. i voted for bush because gays and stem cells are wrong. (clicking this option will download a virus)
- there is no morality. raping is great. somalians deserve food just as much as i deserve to die.
there are two ways to answer the question “why are there so many christians” you can say that they truly are following gods will and/or the messages they deliver are truly the best thing that could happen to humans (soon to be second best, after islam, if not already)
or you could say that the whole organization and their irrational rituals were put in place simply to pacify the peasants of the middle ages. each ritual was put in place to make each peasant feel like they are a member, feel like they are in debt to jesus and feel like their loving benefactors truly are loving and will truly benefact them in the best ways possible: the supernatural ways that nobody is able to or supposed to understand.
im sure this thread probably belongs in the rant house, but chill out. im really curious about the origins of the catholic sacraments and dogmas, if anybody knows.
first off, i believe that if a god wanted to give humanity specific instructions, he would tell all of humanity. to say that god only chose a small group of people to spread the message to ignorant asia, africa and america is absolutely the apogee of ethnocentrism.
besides that, why is the bible so cryptic? why cant we have stone tablets that specifically states all the little details? why is it neccesary for them to be completely open to interpretation. more importantly, how and why would god expect cynical, inquisitive philosophers like me to believe the words of people who, in the middle ages, were just as rich and despicable as howard hughes or jp morgan? if not moreso. he cant expect that, he certainly cant require it.
i assume that all or almost all christians have at least a tiny little problem with some dogma that has been described as infallible over the millennia. surely nobody thinks that unbaptised babies in africa float in limbo for all eternity or that saracens must be violently conquered. so if you dont believe that, and the church claimed it was infallible, why believe anything that is claimed to be infallible?
so anyway, back to the conspiracy idea. i believe that all of the christian dogmas that do not clearly and verifiably help humanity whether or not the bible is true were cooked up in the dark ages to pacify the peasants.
europe was a crappy place for peasants. christianity is a very comforting thing if you truly believe it. PoR has made it clear that we dont even need to sacrifice our luxuries to help the poor because they will be perfectly happy in heaven. if all peasants believed like PoR does, then certainly they would be pacified to a considerable extent.
the idea of jesus dying for our sins is purely illogical. i mean, i dont claim to know exactly how god works, or what his universe machinery looks like, but i would imagine it at least makes a tiny speck of sense. the story says that before jesus died, the gates of heaven were open only to those who committed zero sins. or if you did commit sins, you had to touch the head of a lamb to transfer your sins to it, and then kill it.
the idea of sacrificing animals does make sense. its like god is saying ‘you messed up, i know you want that goat, but i wanted you to not mess up. so show me youre sorry by not using that goat anymore’ i completely agree with a god who requires animal sacrifice, as long as evidence of his existence is satisfactory.
the thing with jesus is that he is supposed to be the super lamb that takes care of all future lamb sacrifices. you dont have to sacrifice your lambs anymore because we sacrificed jesus, who was a super lamb.
but we did not sacrifice jesus, he was not a useful object in our village whose use we need to give up in order to prove we are sorry. god sacrificed jesus. god sent him down to die, and humans lost nothing by his death, except for a great morality teacher.
imagine a god who tells his villagers to sacrifice the lamb, it makes sense. now imagine god when he says “alright, you dont have to sacrifice lambs anymore, i forgive you.” that also makes sense.
now imagine the omnipotent god says this:
“alright you dont have to sacrifice animals anymore, and what im gonna have to do in order to open the gates of heaven to sinners is, well uh ill send down my ‘son’ whos like, you know, he doesnt have my sperm in him… hes just… just say hes my son alright. and im gonna have to have him crucified by the romans. then ill send him down to hell for a day, then ill bring him back up for forty days so that you can see my incredible power. then he’ll come up to heaven and ‘sit next to me’. dont ask why. just believe it. if you dont even believe or acknowledge this huge sacrifice im gonna make, how can i be expected to care about you?”
if god wanted to get the word out that people dont have to sacrifice animals anymore, or that he loved us so much that he is willing to sacrifice his son, and he truly wants us all to be happy and moral, what is the problem with writing gigantic words of fire in the sky all around the world? wouldnt that be a lot more effective?
my theory about this lie is that dark age bishops wanted to make the peasants feel indebted to god. they wanted them to thank god every day, and to be very afraid of the second coming. i dont know this, but is it possible that every devout christian ever has thought that the apocalypse would happen in his lifetime? i know that throughout history it has been speculated often, and the bishops know that this is an easy way to make peasants not care about their future as long as they are pacified by their religion.
imagine you truly believe that jesus is coming back within your lifetime. your feudal lord shoves this idea down your throat and you realize that even if you broke from your enslavement, jesus is going to show up in a matter of years and take away whatever youve accomplished. hell send all your obedient friends to heaven and you will punished like the non-conforming devil that you have been told you are. thats exactly who you pacify peasants, i couldnt have done it better myself.
i could go on about the catholic sacraments, but this thread is big enough and what i would say seems self explanatory enough.
christians, what is the use of believing that jesus died for your sins? how is that more important than believing in anti materialism? what does it have to do with the lives of humans while they are on earth? the whole point of this belief is to ignore your life on earth and hope and be thankful for a fantastic afterlife? dont you realize that thats exactly how peasants are most effectively pacified?