Invited, yes… invaders, no.
I was in Soho during the Halloween festivities and had the pleasure of watching a couple of hundred of migrant men selling drugs at the bottom-end of Old Compton Street… there were more of them than there were party-goers - selling drugs on the weekend, the male migrant [tax-free] side hustle, ha!
I guess the UBI and other freebies they receive isn’t enough for them, huh!
…profiteering gangs that are bringing drug-cartels crime-syndicates people-traffickers terrorists serial-r*pists paedophiles and murderers to our shores.
You said there were no illegal crossings taking place.
…and I stand by what I said… two months is two months too long, it should be one week at the most.
I was going to push back on what I thought was your thesis, but this is preempts much of it: the “mythological nonsense” was load-bearing to our social order. Large parts of society have internalized the idea that the nonsense was holding us back, preventing us from asking the right questions to solve certain problems. But the myths were doing a different thing that wasn’t about their truth, but about their common acceptance as a basis for cooperation and coordination and mutual understanding.
The problem we face now in replacing them is that those myths took millennia to become established, and even then they were fragile. Now we’re in a situation where the myths that made society possible are gone, we need strong myths that are widely accepted to keep it stable, there are multiple irreconcilable candidates for the myths of the next paradigm, and if we don’t settle on them peacefully soon, we’ll settle on them violently.
More likely than the ascension of human consciousness, to my mind, is that the myths of the new paradigm will be as squalid and truth-irreverent as the old myths – that they will be violent myths, settled on violently, and they will wield irresponsibly powers they could not have produced.
If we agree on liberal immigration policy, great! Let’s push for it.
In the interim, I support people migrating illegally because most current immigration policy is immoral and destructive, and illegal immigrants are net benefit to the countries they ‘invade’.
I’ve been to music festivals and watched white trust-fund natural-born-citizens do the same.
What percent of illegal immigrants do you think fit into one of these categories? Do you think they’re more or less likely to be any of these than natural-born citizens?
I note that you were not able to link to a post where I said that. Because I didn’t say it.
Maybe you are misremembering the time you described a specific person in a news report as “here illegally”, and I pointed out he was displaying proof of legal residence in the video, and then you changed to saying (without evidence) that he came illegally, and I said:
I believe that’s the only thread in which we’ve talked about “illegal crossings”. You’ll note that everything I said in that thread was about asylum seekers, which are a subset of international migrants.
And I stand by the reasons I gave that show that what you said is wrong.
You should believe things for reasons, Mags. And if you’re unable to provide reasons, you should notice that, consider why, and maybe change your mind.
It’s not noble or virtuous to stand by an unsupportable belief, and no one of merit would think less of you for changing your mind in response to reason.
However, the advancing population of the world has those divergent (mostly incompatible) myths butting heads and pretty much standing as the root cause of most of the world’s problems (aside from human greed and lust for power), hence the need for something new and more unifying.
Nah, we somehow managed to reach new and ever-ascending plateaus in the past; something of which I tried to portray in a couple of the many illustrations I created…