The coming US-China War

Could you give even one piece of evidence for your assertion? All you do is talking endlessly.

Yes, of course America, China and Russia all take their national interests seriously, but it does not mean “national interest is advanced ruthlessly”. for example, America and China reached a landmark treaty on climate change this year against each of their own interests.

Also, will China, America and Russia ruthlessly push their national interests? I think no, because in this game of the world, there are other players, and those players all have their own interests: for example, it is against the interests of Australia if China and America went to war.

Here is a real expert, Kevin Rudd, who was twice Prime Minister of Australia, talks about this
[youtube][/youtube] … t-ZbQTjZZs

People in the west don’t quite grasp what China means by hegemony, so get caught up in ideological speaking sessions trading jabs. Hegemony is like Shogon, control without sovereignty, world unified.

That’s not compatible with a tripartite superpower structure with several minor states, or a largely independent UN, etc.

That link is my one supporting piece of evidence, they’ve been saying it like a fucking mantra since the late 90s, I know a math professor in Guangzhou back then who used to have very nationalistic students write that on the chalkboard, he didn’t teach them, they just felt inspired from the political climate to grandstand, just as people here do on silly concepts.

I’m gonna go to Nairaland and accuse Nigerians of being hegemonic over Africa, then tell that to the South Africans, then the Moroccans and Egyptians, and just laugh my ass off.

That climate treaty is effectively dead once trump enters office.

So many ways to create the next world war, so very little time…

You call that evidence? Lots of those links are articles by think tanks wanting to push forward their own agenda.
let me say this: there is one myth that need to be dispelled, that is China wants to replace America to run the world, but it is not true.
China is not that stupid: The existing world order run by America costs billions American money and countless lives of American soldiers. Both the Party state of China and common Chinese understand this, and China as the world’s biggest trading nation benefits a lot from this world order, the existing world order run by America provides peace and stability for the whole world, and it enables China to be today’s biggest trading nation.
why would China want to spend billions and send troops to overthrown this world order? Of course it wants to rewrite some rules, but it is totally different from taking actions to overthrowing it.

If you were Chinese president Xi jinping, with your Daughter educated in Harvard, you weighted the pros and cons, what would you choose?

Oh, let’s wait and see if he really can repeal it.

He can talk whatever he wants in the election, but what he can actually do is another totally different story.

China and Russia are both similar in that they claim their attempts at territorial expansion are all part of an effort to ‘unify’ what belongs to them already. The US’ tactic is a bit different - control foreign lands without actually attempting to own them. Make no mistake though, all three have consistently tried to expand their power and influence.

At the end of the day all three are doing a similar thing - they are trying to secure resources. China and the US especially depend upon a relative degree of control of their supply chains (the US on its oil supplies, and buyers of its bonds, China on basic industrial materials like kobalt).

That Eric Li guy is an idiot by the way. “China has changed more than America”. Wow. 1960’s China: hundreds of millions of people starving, a broken economy, people being executed on the streets for political crimes. No fucking surprise it changed. And China IS run by a handful of billionaires, just like America. . Let’s not pretend the CPC is run by poverty stricken, sandal and threadbare trouser wearing idealists! Their children drive ferraris around Chelsea. ( … 12-10?IR=T )

Realistically Trump can revitalise the U S of A’s economy, but even if he doesn’t (that’s if he makes it to Office) the U S won’t disappear into a bottomless pit, I mean what other country has the resources or the ambition to take it’s place as the future global leader and with change there is bound to be conflict, which will be impossible to avoid with China or Russia for that matter.

Of course, China today is not run by threadbare trouser wearing idealists nor did it in the past, if you read the resume of some of the top leaders in China you would find lots of them received some of their training in America and Europe.

I don’t know whether China has changed more than America because it is a very big topic but one thing can be certain that over the decades China did change hugely, and America certainly played a major role in pushing for those changes in China.

First, the children of the top leaders do “drive ferraris around Chelsea”, common Chinese folks know it from one way or another, it is not secrets.

And CPC is not run by idealists as I have said, in fact, all the people today who join the party are realistic but clever folks who pursue wealth and social status.

But combining the two, China is not run by billionaires. I don’t want to use too many abstract ideas to explain the reasons behind it, I want to give an example to support my point:
Here is a news in 2010, 7 years ago, saying that “Obama announces $8 billion investment in high-speed train system” , it says “

But 7 years later China owns much more high speed railway than America. Of course, there are many reasons for this, but one reason is building a national high speed railway network goes against the very self-interests of the American airline industry, therefore they fight hard to make sure there will never be a national high-speed railway network in America, even though America is technically capable of building a much faster and better railway than China. In China did, the airline industry is also a mighty interest group but it have to obey the party. China is a capitalist society but it is more a “state capitalist system” in which the power of money must follow the political authority.